The one & only - the Polish 109
42 27 September 2023, 19:18

Of course! Great idea! You mean the one paid for with the crate of whisky? 😉
29 September 2023, 20:55

I read it was a Bourbon bottle, but who knows after so many years? 😉
29 September 2023, 21:29

Glad to see you here mates, enjoy.
So far I just finished adding the dark green, tried the elastic putty for the first time ever and it's simply fantastic!
19 October 2023, 19:47

WIP Bf109-G10 Croatia | Album by Hagel (1:72)
Only now that I see we built the same aircraft. 😄
19 October 2023, 20:48

What a coincidence 😄
I peeked into your album only to find I trusted the instructions too much - this example had none of these overwing big bubbles 🙁
Trying remove it, in worst case scenario I will need a new kit
20 October 2023, 19:37

Oh..Wow, I didn't realize that it was the same famous plane that defected in Falconara!
@Łukasz: keep it up! Maybe you just remove the bubbles and then n carefully repaint...
21 October 2023, 06:39

Indeed, that's the famous Falconara defector 🙂
So, I started the restoration 🙂
21 October 2023, 19:07

Oh nooooooh!!!.... As Moreno said, you could sand them off and build the smaller blisters up with white glue or sprue goo.
21 October 2023, 19:29

That's what I did, except for using some styrene leftovers from my stash
21 October 2023, 19:33

Not yet 😄 I'm just sanding as we speak and trying to blend it into the wing
21 October 2023, 19:49

Always hated the plunging, but well you can behold the results now
25 October 2023, 19:31

Thx a mil! I tried washing today, this time using the Ammo MiG acrylics, but still not very satisfied. Neither Tamiya nor these seem to work for me, might be too much paint here and there 🙁
Airfix/Matchbox seems like a better fit for me 😛
Still, I did what I could. Need to hand paint the aerials and matt varnish the whole thing. Don't expect heavy weathering, it wasn't flown much after repainting.
8 November 2023, 20:56

Completed, enjoy the pics 🙂
I have to admit these late 109s look really good 👍
11 November 2023, 11:26

Thanks mates, glad to see you like it.
@Robert: Why? 😉 It's a nice kit and I completed it in 2 months time - extremely fast pace in my case 😄
It could fit your "quickbuild" collection too 🙂
11 November 2023, 20:27

Well done 109! That faded spiral in the spinner is really interesting and well painted.
11 November 2023, 20:29

Of course I refer to the modification of the wings... myself, I would have been to lazy to do this 😉
12 November 2023, 20:46

Ah, I see what you mean. Well, I try to reduce the plastic waste in my household 😉
12 November 2023, 20:50

Nice one! I like the camouflage and unusual markings. Also semi transparent cowling came out really good!
13 November 2023, 03:26

I think I forgot to post my thanks here for some time 🙂 So here I stand corrected 😉 Your comments are much appreciated 👍
19 April 2024, 13:20