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Philipp Groß (philipp_gross)

M47 Patton "Neuruppin"


26 February 2014, 18:58
Philipp Groß Аутор
Thanks Michael! It was a lot of fun to build and improve the old thing 🙂
 27 February 2014, 13:20
Amazing! Why is it called "Neuruppin"?
 27 February 2014, 13:33
Philipp Groß Аутор
Thanks Acki! 🙂

Some units of the early West German army named their tanks after garrison towns at first before going back to the WW2 era three digit numbers for identification. Neuruppin is a city in eastern Germany and was the seat of Panzer Regiment 6 of the 3rd Panzer Division before the war.
 27 February 2014, 14:17
Ray Seppala
Very nice build Philipp, lovely weathering! 👍
 27 February 2014, 21:41
Philipp Groß Аутор
Thanks Ray! I'm glad you like it! 🙂

PS: To anyone wondering why there's a 1/144 aircraft kit suddenly listed, it's a site bug - I tried to add the Tankograd issue on the M47 to the project, but got this instead. Both happen to have the same ID number, and now I can't remove it... 🙁
 27 February 2014, 22:03
Thanks for the information. I was wondering bout the East German name and the West German tank.
 28 February 2014, 12:24
Philipp Groß Аутор
Guess that must have been part of that "we represent the ENTIRE Germany" policy.... Certainly no nostalgia for the pre-1945 army...they'd never do that, right? 😛
 28 February 2014, 14:26
Es-haq Khosravi
 28 February 2014, 15:30
Philipp Groß Аутор
Thank you Essi! 🙂
 28 February 2014, 17:12
Hajo Langer
Good work! The tank belonged to the tank battalion 13 of the Grenzland barracks in Flensburg that practiced on the training area of ​​the Briesen barracks in Flensburg-Weiche
 7 March 2018, 09:26
Philipp Groß Аутор
Danke Hajo, gut zu wissen!
 7 March 2018, 12:21

Album info

The venerable Italeri kit as issued by Revell Germany, built to resemble an early West German tank.

17 слике
1:35 M 47 Patton (Revell 03062)1:35 M26/46 T84E1 workable Tracks (AFV Club AF35037)
M47 Patton
DE Bundeswehr Heer (German Army 1955-now)
PzBtl 13 Y-191 097 Neuruppin
Децембар 1956 - Flensburg
RAL6014 gelboliv

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