Diamond T 969A Wrecker Mirror models
May 16, 2014Engine complete2
May 19, 2014Wheels glued together, main problem is the seam line on the wheel inner face but all sorted now with some filler.3
May 19, 2014Engine and radiator4
May 19, 2014chassis completed, not an easy thing to put together but got there in the end. lots of test fitting and modifying. Problem with the winch on the front which needed modifying with the parts being moulded the wrong way around.5
May 19, 2014Here's the modification to the winch with a hole drilled on one side and some plastic rod super glued on the other. Also don't go by the locating marks for the winch on the chassis as it interferes with the radiator.6
May 19, 2014Chassis, more parts to be added.7
May 19, 2014Rear axles together, 80 parts make this up.8
May 19, 20149
May 19, 2014One thing to note is make sure all the wheels touch the ground by glueing on the front axle and then place the chassis on a flat surface to make sure everything is level. Also the brake hubs which are attached to the wheels should be checked for square.10
May 19, 201411
May 19, 2014Pics of the Pe12
May 19, 2014Vac formed canvas cover.13
May 19, 201414
May 19, 201415
May 19, 2014First bnit of PE added.16
May 19, 2014Second bit of PE added, removed it after as it should be level with the edge of chassis.17
May 19, 2014Plastic rod to replace the molded on bolts that had a seam line through them. To get rid of the seam line on the front axle I scraped some pastic off a piece of sprue and applied some extra thin Tamiya glue to join and placed the slivers of plastic on top18
May 19, 2014PE added for supports for the steps and fuel tanks.The mounts for the steps had to come off later as they were making the step and fuel tanks to high for the fenders.19
July 15, 201420
July 15, 201421
July 15, 2014bit of lead wire added for detail which goes on the steering column22
July 15, 2014sprayed allover with primer23
July 15, 201424
July 15, 2014those handles are in the wrong place, they should be for the windscreen25
July 15, 2014rear bed with some sinkmarks filled in with mr surfacer26
July 15, 2014test fitting27
July 15, 201428
July 15, 201429
July 15, 2014Parts for the compressor30
July 15, 2014Gas bottles31
July 15, 2014PE Light gurds32
July 15, 2014Compressor33
July 15, 201434
July 15, 2014Booms35
July 15, 2014Winding gear36
July 15, 2014Rear gantry37
July 15, 201438
July 15, 2014wheels with a coat of paint
14 March 2025, 22:36 -