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Paul Sellwood (Loxnine)

The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild


14 March 2025, 22:36 -

Album info

Opel Blitz truck I entered on Florymodels forum in 2012 and not touch since 2012 can I breath new life into this dust collector on the shelf of doom.

81 слике
У раду
1:35 3ton 4x2 Cargo Truck (Tamiya 35291)1:35 German Truck 3ton 4x2 Cargo (Eduard 36040)1:35 GERMAN CARGO TRUCK 3ton 4x2 (Eduard BIG3555)1:35 Opel BLITZ 3ton CARGO TRUCK (Lion Roar LE35086)1:35 Opel Blitz Detail Set (Passion Models P35-022)1:35 Engine Compartment Opel Blitz (PlusModel 313)1:35 Opel Blitz Canvas Cover & Stowage (Royal Model 598)4+

Гроуп Буилд

The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild in
The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild

1. Јануар 2016 до 31. Децембар 2020

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