M48A3 Mod.B
3 5 August 2014, 20:13

@Hunter : Can't remember completely, but in the end I used Pigments from Mig "Vietnam Earth" for the finish. Before that I made some mix with Tamiyas but can't remember how. After that I found out that there is a Color vom Lifecolor called "Vietnam Tan". It looks pretty good in the bottle and I guess I will use it on my next Vietnam project for the ground and dust.
@Jan/Christian : Thanks a lot ! 🙂
7 August 2014, 19:02

Fantastic modelling skills, excellently made Tank and accessories... But!!!
I must question your gardening skills Dirk, driving a Tank in it has ruined the lawn and when was the last time you cleaned out the pond???
7 August 2014, 19:13

very nice VN dio the groundwork is great and the 48 also by the way 😉 How many drops of color in the easy water ? always use too much and loose transparency.
7 August 2014, 19:34

Brilliant work, Dirk! I love the "Vietnam Schmodder" a lot!
Horns Up!👍
8 August 2014, 11:12

Hi guys,
thanks a lot for your comments ! I was knocked out by a virus, that's why my answer is so late.
@nelson - Can't remember exactly, but I guess about 2 oder maybe 3 drops.
13 August 2014, 12:25
Album info
- M48A3 Mod. B by Dragon
- M48A3 Mantlet & AN/VSS-1 Searchlight by Legend Productions
- M48A3 Vietnam Sandbag Armor & Stowage Set by Legend Productions
- T142 Track by Friul
- US Tanker Vietnam War #1 and #2 by Alpine
- Vallejo Still Water
- Paper Plants by Fredericus Rex
- Decals by MecModels
- cal. 50 by RB Model
- Heads wearing US CVC tank helmet by Hornet
Hope you like it !