22. Modellbauausstellung des PMC-Saar
13 October 2014, 10:22

Thanks for sharing, Dirk. 👍
I'm so sad I couldn't make it to Merchweiler yesterday. I rather decided to keep my flu for myself.😉
13 October 2014, 10:31

Nice pictures and a lot of really great kits. The Alpha Jet for example
13 October 2014, 11:07

Hi Erik, yes, wie missed you yesterday. It was a really nice show and we had a lot of fun, because "all the guys" were there 😉
@Soeren - I'm not sure, but I think the Alpha Jet is by Daniel Bickelmann and was featured in Modellfan.
13 October 2014, 11:15

What an amazing lot we scale modellers are, and that album says it all. Thanks for the journey mate !!!🙂
13 October 2014, 11:36

Wow! 😮
Seems like I missed a true high class exhibition!🙁
At least I got the pictures - thanks so much for that, Dirk!👍
13 October 2014, 11:43

Thx for the info Dirk and of course for this amount of great pictures 🙂
13 October 2014, 11:43

Awesome show, just wish you had a pictjre of the entire nato camoflaged truck with D9 dozer on the back
13 October 2014, 11:53

Dirk, nice exhibition and great pictures. Thank's for sharing. I regret not having been there.
13 October 2014, 13:17

Great pics and models, thanks for sharing! The paintjob on the "Winter" fw-190 is just awesome!
13 October 2014, 18:19