Douglas XA4D-1 Skyhawk, BuNo 137812 „Baby Scooter"
1 20 September 2016, 13:32

If you are using the internet to search for references, you want to search for XA4D-1 , the Skyhawk wasn't called an A-4 during their early years. hth with your searches.
20 September 2016, 14:56

You're welcome,,,,,,,I know that a lot of people use the internet instead of books. And I know how frustrating a search can be when I don't know the correct terms to type in. I hope I saved you some trouble.
How do you plan to fill the rudder in? Some putty that doesn't shrink, or cut plastic? Another hint, the "tadpole rudder" for the A4D-2/A-4B was mechanically the same as an A4D-1 rudder with the skin left off, so you could just cut out two rudder skins from 5 or 10 though plastic card and use those to "skin" the Airfix rudder. (or find an old tool Airfix/US Airfix/Starfix kit and steal the rudder)
20 September 2016, 17:20

Thanks for the hint Rex, I think I going to fill the spaces between the ribs with CA and sand it all flush, saves me a lot of cutting or sawing.... 🙂
24 September 2016, 09:13

Interesting project. I check in to get a place in the first row 🙂 When do you start this?
6 August 2017, 11:06

Welcome David, Christian and John !
Christian : It might get its revival after I finish the New Zealand Avenger. .
6 August 2017, 12:44

Welcome again in the bench! Die Nietenreihen stehen schnurgerade wie die Soldaten auf dem Exerzierplatz, insbesondere auf den Tragflächen/Flaps!! Hast du einen Drillsargeant angeheuert? 🙂
31 October 2017, 17:08

Thx Bernhard😉 ! Sir, no Sir ! Quartermaster equipped me with an excellent tool ! 🙂
Thank you Stephan !
After deleting the „sugarscoop", refuelingprobe and everything that wasn't there on the prototype, I spent the whole afternoon riveting wings and fuselage.
Next is the reshaping of the nosecone.
31 October 2017, 21:08

Taking very small steps, scooter finally prepared to be painted. Complete surface stripped of every casted detail of the later models, riveted and scribed. Windshield homemade.
12 December 2017, 08:00

Amazing work at the panels... that thing must have taken some amount of patience XD
But I have the feeling that there´s some superb Skyhawk taking form 🙂
12 December 2017, 21:01

Thx Thomas !
@Tom : yep, that took a while but it was a lot less annoying than I expected it to be. First time that I tried it to that extend.
13 December 2017, 13:25

At last I had the time to spray some metalizer, panels on the wings still to come....
28 December 2017, 07:51

Hello Hanno. This looks great! Like Tom said - some superb Skyhawk taking form here. Looking forward to it. Did you prime it black gloss before applying metalizer? And what about the markings? Custom made or is there a decalsheet for it?
28 December 2017, 09:52

Hi Benoit, thanks for your compliment! No primer, it is a special mix of Testors Metalizer and Sealer (all in one ), on some panels toned down with Mr Metal „stainless".
Markings will mainly come from the spare box, except the BuNo, which I will have to print myself.
28 December 2017, 10:13

Thanks Hanno. Yes, markings should not be too difficult to gather. I really like the Mr Metal line, but have to try the Testors Metalizer (again). Haven't used them for years..
28 December 2017, 10:19

I'm glad to see progress!! Very nice and realistic NMF. I'm looking for markings and completed Scooter.
28 December 2017, 11:09

Yes, other than Alclad, they are very easy to use. This special method of use, mixing sealer and metalizer 1:1, is Bernhard Schrock's special recepe, which he kindly supplied. Unfortunately these paints apparently do not comply with german law anymore, so they are almost impossible to get here now.
28 December 2017, 11:56

Thanks Bernhard ! I really had to steal the time.... 🙂 🙂
Speaking of decals, I might need a hint on behalf of the typo used on the BuNo...😄
28 December 2017, 12:58
This site used to have a lot of fonts and logos.
Have a look at it.
(You might have to register)
28 December 2017, 14:35

Hej, bin nicht sicher ob richtig verstanden habe. Auf dem Projektfoto ist sehr gut der Schriftzug bestehend aus dem Flugzeugtyp und der Bu. Nr. zu sehen. Auch die Größe bezogen auf den Rest wie z.B. das Wort Navy. Wenn du mir die benötigte Größe der Bu.-Nr. schickst, suche ich gerne in der Restekiste nach passenden Symbolen. Es sollte/dürfte 4" bzw. 2" sein, im Original.
28 December 2017, 15:04

Hallo Hanno, ich liebe den Effekt dieser "Metallflieger". Ich bin gespannt auf neue Jahr, dann wird das Modell sicher fertig sein. Komm gut dahin, alles Gute. 🙂
28 December 2017, 16:46

Hallo Bernhard, vielen Dank, Dir auch einen guten Rutsch ! Jou , ich habe mir fest vorgenommen nächstes Jahr damit fertig zu werden.🙂 Sollte selbst bei meinem ( Schnecken ) Tempo zu schaffen sein 🙂
28 December 2017, 16:57

Sehr schick 👍 Sehe ich sicher nächstes Frühjahr in Lingen! Euch allen einen guten Rutsch 🙂
28 December 2017, 18:27

Just seen- marvelous! That is an interesting project Hanno! Great choice of subject and beautifully executed!
28 December 2017, 18:41

Vielen Dank Christian, komm gut rüber !
Thank you Roland !
28 December 2017, 21:08

Thank you Stephan !
Only wheel well doors, bow gearstrut and decals missing . I have to shorten the ejection seat some more, it still peaks out to far......Almost done !
16 January 2018, 19:58

Interesting subject choice! Looks great. You have managed to change it back to its original form quite well sir! 🙂
16 January 2018, 21:20

Done, minus Bu - No Decal, which I still have to print. I shortened the bow strut a little,
because it made the bird stand too high in front.
27 January 2018, 21:06

hallo hanno, bin a bisserl im stress wg nürnberg messe, aber für dein scooterlein muss sein! i love it!
28 January 2018, 16:01

Thx John and Eugen !
@ Thomas : Danke fürs Scooter - Lob, viel Spaß und Erfolg in Nürnberg !
28 January 2018, 17:57

Today I had a chance to see this Scooter live. The pictures are very good but they do not do justice to the "original" model. Great result especially surface and NMF finish!!
28 January 2018, 18:41

So pretty! Gotta admit that I'm a bit jealous not having this beauty on my bench. You did a great job with all the modifications and extras.
28 January 2018, 19:32

Amazing landing gear detailed and fantastic metallized painting job. Congratulations!
28 January 2018, 19:46

Wow, I'm totally flattened by your comments ! Thank you all !
28 January 2018, 20:07

Baby Scooter now completely finished, including the Bu.No. Decal. I was lucky enough to benefit from Bernhards extensive endeavours on his decals.
11 February 2018, 12:57

Fertig!! Wie schön🙂. Übrigens wars ein Klassiker: vor lauter Bäume sah ich den Wald nicht mehr🙁 Die Bu. -Nr. ist unten und die Typenbezeichnung oben. Gut dass du es gemerkt hast. Habe ich auch, aber war zum Schluss zu müde die Elemente zu trennen...
P.S. Man sieht den Carrier nicht mehr. Nur knapp herumgeschnitten oder noch mehr getan?
11 February 2018, 13:13

Thank you all Mates !
@ Bernhard :Knappstens drumherumgeschnitten. Hatte aber seine Herausforderungen in diesem Maßstab.
Habe erstmal 3 Typenbezeichnungen verballert, bis es klappte — einfach nix zun Greifen mit der Pinzette....🙂
11 February 2018, 13:38