Sea Cobra
February 16, 20192
February 16, 2019Not something you'd call an engineering marvel...3
April 13, 20194
April 13, 20195
April 20, 2019Humbrol 105 behaved very well during spraynig6
April 20, 20197
April 20, 2019Instruction shows only placement of part of the included decals8
April 20, 2019The decals (though very old) went on extremely well9
April 20, 201910
April 20, 2019But the the problem s begun - second layer of GX100 here11
April 20, 201912
April 20, 2019Thinned the paint a bit more - no change13
April 20, 2019The paint didn;t want to flow under 1 bar, hmmmmm...14
April 20, 2019And here's the culprit, dunno what it is but it was blocking the nozzle.15
April 20, 2019And when I thought it's the last step - UV cut flat varnish...16
April 20, 2019... it reacted with the Humbrol (which was sealed with GX100) 😠
21 March 2025, 14:53 -
Project info
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