Polish Hurricane UZ-V
26 7 July 2020, 21:18

I'll be interested in how you get on with the fuselage cages, hope it goes well!
14 July 2020, 21:30

Easy guys, have to paint it first. Moving on slowly as this summer is really nice this year.
15 July 2020, 07:18

Have to put this on hold for couple of weeks (going for holidays too).
20 July 2020, 15:58

Welcome and stay tuned, I plan to continue once I'm back from holidays, around 10th of August
22 July 2020, 14:53

Enjoy your holidays! I have just put all the PE in my Hurricane but not sure how much I will do on August, I am also going on holidays soon.
22 July 2020, 15:08

Thank you A 🙂 I'll be Bach in about 2 weeks from now.
Aaaand it doesn't mean I won't be lurking here every now and then...😉
24 July 2020, 20:25

The heatwave is gone for a day and the Yahu reinforcements have arrived. Played some dryfitting today and I think I know what three of you meant, while mentioning the bad fit of the pilots desktop.
16 August 2020, 08:43

It's certainly a lot less complex than Arma's 6-7 layered affair: just the gyro-compass thingy to add at the bottom?
16 August 2020, 09:42

That new dashboard is really nice! My experiences with Yahu are a bit varied, but that one is really sweet. Curious about the fit of the fuselage halve though, isn't it just the rubber band that deforms the the parts a bit, pulling them together on the bottom and creating this gap on the top?
16 August 2020, 11:58

Thanks, Yahu products are impressive indeed 🙂 Do I have to mention they are made in PL?😉
@Thomas, I clamped it on the underside too (metal clamps can be seen in the backgorund) to minimise the effect.
Currently thinking how to squeeze the metal desktop, started from deepening the mounting groove and sanding the dashboard.
16 August 2020, 20:17

Really nice dashboard! I did sand the back of the dashboard rather than the grooves in the two halls. I found it easier.
16 August 2020, 21:09

@Carlos: whatever works!, I think the metal dash was tougher than the plastic.
17 August 2020, 16:58

I managed to sand it a bt, using my dremellish Lidl tooling. The price was having to glue back two layers of the dashboard 🙂
Currently I'm completing and painting the rest of the cockpit stuff.
17 August 2020, 20:06

The fight against the cockpit has been finished. Casualties: the rear cockpit wall has wrong angle (this element was too wide for me), some putty was needed behind it and the PE frets on the mid plastic frame are mostly gone.
22 August 2020, 16:21

It looks like you had to struggle quite a lot with the cockpit, but on the pictures it looks really nice! Ah, I know the feeling with the elevator, I almost did that mistake with the rudder of my MiG-15! BTW, that "thing" is the gun sight. That's what Roald Dahl smashed his face into as he was performing a bingo fuel emergency landing in the African desert as a young Hurricane pilot during WW2.
22 August 2020, 18:25

Łukasz, I remember the struggle with that part. I had a little gap between the back of the cockpit and the fuselage and I filled it with green stuff. The final result is looking good from here. Also, if you are planning to leave the cockpit open, the rear part of the cockpit is going to cover that area anyway.
23 August 2020, 16:38

Thanks for your input much appreciated.
I'm still hesitating whether to go for the open or the closed cockpit...
Who the fluff is Roald Dahl? (sorry for being politically unaware😉 )
23 August 2020, 16:55

Open cockpit if you ask me... that new instrument panel is too lovely not to show! Roald Dahl was a British author and screenwriter, his books have sold over a quarter billion copies worldwide. They even have a "Roald Dahl-week" at my youngest daughter's school (it's 'The English School in Göteborg', so that is probably why). Anyway, I recently read his self-biographic novel 'Going Solo', in where he writes about his RAF career, where he flew Hurricanes against the Luftwaffe, well worth a read.
23 August 2020, 17:39

One of his other works: "Ronald. Because my parents couldn't spell".????... in some respects I'm glad we're all having the same hiccups in this build, it must be the kit and not our skills?
23 August 2020, 19:18

Looked at it after few evenings break and the cockpit walls look too fat for me to leave it open. Looking forward to hearing your say though.
26 August 2020, 19:25

I am sorry but I have to disagree. That seat and the belts looks super.
26 August 2020, 20:19

Maybe you can attach some thin lines of sprue, pe or whatever on the inner side walls to replicate the slide rails and break up the evenly high surfaces of the model for a realistic look. With that optical barrier it might be very close to the original layout. With the many struts of the closed canopy the beautiful cockpit work would be lost.
26 August 2020, 20:48

Primed the thing today, some minor corrections will be necessary anyway.
Regarding the cockpit - masked it the way it's going to remain open. I plan to paint the walls in camo colours as deep on the cockpit edge as I can. While masking the cockpit I broke the gunsight at least 3 times, will add it later.
Fingers crossed I won't break anything inside the cockpit...
PS. Thomas&Andy, I forgot to thank for your explanations about Roald Dahl 👍
3 September 2020, 20:08

Glad you've gone open....you could open it slightly if you're concerned about wall thickness. (I must confess, I never gave it a second thought), I think the observer's gaze will be directed at the interior and not at 'how thick the fuselage walls are'....
3 September 2020, 20:16

That's why I decided to fake it a bit, hope the beholders won't notice it the colours should be somewhere else😉
3 September 2020, 20:20

Which colour for the brown did you use? Looks nice. It actually looks like the mud that left standing in the house after the flood in the city 2 weeks ago. We are still trying to recuperate from this sh!t...
6 October 2020, 06:00

Sad to read that, hope you'll get rid of it soon.
Not sure the Greek soil was an example to create the RAF Dark Earth paint, here imitated by Hataka C009.
6 October 2020, 07:19

Btw. looked at the canopy bit closer and it's noticeably thick. I have to look for either a vacu replacement or the fancy Airone PE frame I saw in the news lately...
6 October 2020, 07:50

It turned out I masked the wrong Hurri scheme, so had to wash it. Sprayed the green again, however the left tailside requires more spraying. To be continued...
PS. Airone Hobby canopy frame should be somewhere on the way to my workbench, fingers crossed for Česká pošta 🙂
13 October 2020, 20:33

Resprayed and wondering: did they paint black stencils on black wing?
18 October 2020, 15:13

Hmmmm, Techmod provided only the black ones. I have to find a solution then, maybe in my sparebox...
18 October 2020, 18:02

Welcome Stefan, I already started decalling today 😄
@Andy: looks like all AH Hurricanes have black stencils only...
I think I found a solution:
18 October 2020, 18:15

Ooh, that is very nice indeed! A beautiful model! How did you manage the canopy? Is it separate transparent foil under a framing? What transparency did you use?
1 December 2020, 21:51

Thanks, the canopy was an issue, I have to admit. I tried couple of different transparencies, but ended up with cheap sellotape from my wife's desk.
I remember the tapes used to get yellowish over time, so I treated it with UV varnish quite generously, let's see if it helps. After all I'm not sure, what's worse: the vacu canopy or the PE frame😉
2 December 2020, 08:11

admittedly I have seen white decals on a Spitfire's black undersides (IWM photo).....I just don't understand why you'd have black on black?...build now complete?....
2 December 2020, 09:21

Finished yesterday, but I waited to take the sunny pics this afternoon.
@Mr.A: Who knows? Maybe (like Tauro Model) Techmod wants you to buy more sets? 😄
@Marek: Almost a group build then 😄 Pity, we haven't consulted some details earlier on. Your shading looks great. I usually don't lurk into bigger scale builds in order to avoid envy regarding the detailing😉
2 December 2020, 16:08

Well done , Lukasz, haven't you a grass underground to put in front of the hangar? That would be more realistic, I guess.
2 December 2020, 17:48

Youre getting bored with my hangar, aren't you? 😉
Thank you both. I have grass base, but it's too small and glued to a box (to avoid folding). I even have the Airfix control tower! 😄
But there's not much place in my flat where the sun shines in winter, so I had to use the famous hangar. Or maybe I should buy this set 😉
2 December 2020, 19:29

Where was I while you were building this beauty, next to your famous hangar?
Well done, Łukasz!
Is the grass at the base of Coastal printed?
2 December 2020, 19:36

Gracias my friend. I assume so, having already one of their stands.
2 December 2020, 20:02

You can always cover it with artificial grass to make it look more real😉.
2 December 2020, 20:56

That low winter light has warmed the colours....,great build....one day we should all display our "unofficial 72nd Hurricane group build" together. Yours is a great credit to the pilot and the machine.
2 December 2020, 21:48

Thank you A. Wish we could, maybe one day, who knows?
Considering adding couple of pics under white light, maybe my shading efforts will be more prominent?😉
2 December 2020, 21:54

Very nicely done Lukasz. The light was particularly great for the hangar pics 👍
3 December 2020, 02:33

Hangar! I still love your shots with the sunlight falling in through the hangar doors, I can imagine it being an early summer morning, with the smell of gasoline and oil.
3 December 2020, 06:39

Many thanks mates, good to hear you don't want me to get rid of the hangar yet😉
3 December 2020, 08:37

Well, seen this one yesterday and I wonder what scale is it? 32nd? 24th? 😄
Maybe I should get one too? 😄
3 December 2020, 13:12

Considering the dimensions of a B737 , it could well be the 1/48 version of GPM , Lukasz
3 December 2020, 14:37

Erik, some grassy pics uploaded, hope you like the original DDR grass found in the attic 🙂
6 December 2020, 20:00

Need to get some, there are only H0 scale sheep somewhere in one of the boxes in my attic😉
6 December 2020, 21:03

The Hurricane will feel more comfortable now, but what building are you hiding in the background ?
6 December 2020, 21:38

That's not-so-famous Airfix Control Tower (not as much as The Hangar):
Control Tower | Project by Woody (1:76)
6 December 2020, 21:40