Airfix Sea Fury WIP
19 25 July 2020, 16:38

Been sometime since doing a WIP so decided to do one on this project. Been looking forward to it.
26 July 2020, 19:37

Stay tuned Nathan. Seen a few built and it looks a good kit so far.
26 July 2020, 20:06

Decided not to use the kit decals. A club member had the Xtradecal sheet having only used the Cuban option, as well as the Mike Grant sheet with RCAF options. Seemed only fair that as the sheet came from the club then they should choose which option. The final vote settled on the RCAF "Yellow Navy" scheme, which is the one I was keen on anyway. Happy days....
27 July 2020, 16:29

Started work on the cockpit. There's plenty of detail but it can be enhanced with an Eduard set which I'm doing. A little extra detail added to the rear bulkhead as well.
29 July 2020, 21:20

Cockpit parts enhanced with Eduard PE parts and some artistic licence taken with the painting. Ready for a matt varnish prior to assembly.
30 July 2020, 20:56

Cockpit is complete and assembled. A few shots before it is installed and most of it is hidden from view. It may be worth adding the gunsight after installation as mine is slightly off centre.
31 July 2020, 20:46

Thanks Clifford. The kit cockpit is good as it is but is definitely enhanced with Eduard sets.
1 August 2020, 07:12

A few photos showing the cockpit test fitted into the fuselage. If using the Aerocraft gunsight then I'd recommend gluing it in place whilst the cockpit is in the fuselage to ensure it is central.....unlike mine which is slightly off centre.
2 August 2020, 19:52

After a week away from the bench here are a few shots of the undercarriage bay. First one shows it before detailing and painting. Second shows it all done awaiting a coat of matt varnish.
10 August 2020, 19:45

Bit more work on the Sea fury today. Undercarraige bay is in place and looks the part.
14 August 2020, 19:23

Bit of work carried out fitting the Aerocraft cowling to the kit parts. Also engine installed along with exhausts. There isn't much to the engine but you can't see much of it anyway
15 August 2020, 20:17

Thanks guys. It is a nice kit Peter. We should have been at E-Day this year but sadly it wasn't to be.
16 August 2020, 18:15

Yes, Dave, that's a pity. We would have met, because I intended to drive there, too. 🙁
16 August 2020, 18:28

Cockpit and tail wheel bay installed and fuselage halves glued together. Not a lot of filer required except on the fin where there was a shortfall in the moulding process. That will be easily fixed though.
17 August 2020, 19:24

Fuselage joins cleaned up. No filler required but the nose join required a bit of work. Easier to remove the protrusions to make sanding easier and then reinstate them with plasticard. Also the fin was corrected with plasticard and filler.
18 August 2020, 19:31

I think your replacement protrusions on the nose section look better than the original.
18 August 2020, 19:40

Undercarriage bay fitted to lower centre wing section before fitting to fuselage. It's a good fit with just a small amount of filler required at the rear where it meets the fuselage. Also outer wing supports fitted.
19 August 2020, 19:59

Upper inner wings added along with tailp[lanes, elevators and rudder. Only a small amount of filler used.
21 August 2020, 19:16

Bit of work to be carried out on the outer lower wing sections to install the Navigation lights from Aerocraft. They're well worth acquiring in imho. Detailed description of the work required in the photo comments.
23 August 2020, 19:55

Undercarriage doors have some prominent ejector pin marks that need removing.
27 August 2020, 19:20

Cockpit and canopy have been masked. Getting close to putting some paint on this beauty.
1 September 2020, 19:51

Curious to see how that play-dough works in the canopy masking. Good idea.
1 September 2020, 20:23

Thanks guys. I'll let you know how it turns out Nathan. Took me back to my childhood as I pressed the canopy down onto the play-dough and it squeezed out through the gaps .... 🙂
3 September 2020, 12:02

First part of color applied. A nice chrome effect to the exhaust shields. Used K Colors mirror finish over their gloss black which was applied over their primer. Came out really well.
3 September 2020, 19:52

Few more photos added showing some of the smaller parts painted including the propeller, main wheels and lower surface parts like undercarriage doors etc.
6 September 2020, 18:18

Looks great, I'm currently building same kit, though yours is looking a heck of a lot better! My wing joints leave much to be desired!
6 September 2020, 19:28

Just got to keep working on them buddy until you're happy with them. Sand, fill, sand some more, fill some more, sand again. Then apply primer and realise they still need more work....
6 September 2020, 19:46

Primer and underside colours applied using the black basing technique. A new adventure for me. There is further explanations attached to the photos.
8 September 2020, 19:25

Lighter gray applied to the underside and lower fuselage. Despite keeping the coats light it still seems to totally obliterate all the pre-shading.
11 September 2020, 16:20

Upper surface colour applied. Detailed description of the process in the photo captions.
12 September 2020, 20:05

A sepia wash applied to highlight the panel lines. This will be blended with the base colour to tone it down somewhat.
17 September 2020, 19:55

Coming along nicely Dave. I think we all know that a Sea Fury shot down a Mig in the Korean war. But did you know that it was a young 21 year old pilot who did it and not the Senior pilot that claimed it and got a battle honour for it!
Youtube Video

19 September 2020, 03:26

Thanks Gareth. I don't think we'll ever know the truth about what happened as it'll be lost in the fog of war. I think Carmichael did claim however that all 4 of the Fury's appeared to get hits on the MiG.
19 September 2020, 20:06

A few more pictures uploaded showing the shading being blended in. Detailed description is with each photo. Decals next. This is where it starts to come alive for me.
20 September 2020, 19:37

Decals added and it looks the part now. Decals went on really well and settled with Micro Sol/Set.
22 September 2020, 20:45

Applied a protective gloss coat over the decals that revealed a huge fingerprint on the port wing despite being as careful as possible. On the advice of a friend I sanded it with some 4000 micromesh and misted on some more gloss varnish. Fingerprint gone....👍
24 September 2020, 19:46

Panel lining carried out using the panel liner for blue and grey camo from AK's Panel Liner set.
25 September 2020, 19:21

Matt varnish applied and some more weathering and staining carried out using pigments.
26 September 2020, 20:00

After the matt varnish and pigment weathering a coat of satin varnish was applied. After this the exhaust staining was carried out using watercolour pencils. Came out really well and I recommend having a go with them.
27 September 2020, 19:26

I've bought a few of those pencils but have yet to use them. Looks like you applied a convincing finish with yours.
27 September 2020, 21:39

I have a whole set of them, but like Nathan, have not used them yet. Perhaps I will try them on the Tomcat.
28 September 2020, 00:38

Masking removed. Had an issue with the canopy with some residue left behind that refused to come off. Usually some iso propyl alcohol on a cotton swab removes it but not this time. Ended up having to polish the canopy and dip in klear again. As well as touching up the framing. Came out ok in the end thankfully.
28 September 2020, 19:36

The watercolour pencils were standard pencils from an art shop not the AK ones. I would recommend ensuring you get decent ones rather than cheap ones.
28 September 2020, 19:41

Got the undercarriage fitted which gave me an opportunity to test fit it on the base.
29 September 2020, 19:32

Thanks Clifford and Björn. I've really enjoyed it and highly recommend the kit.
30 September 2020, 06:53

Finally added all the remaining bits and finished this project and created a separate album with completed photos. Please pop along and have a look. Thanks for watching.
1 October 2020, 07:12

@ Nathan Dempsey. The play doh masking for the canopy worked really well. Easily removed and cleaned up with a damp cotton bud.
1 October 2020, 07:34