Blue Jetstream (SP-KWN)
September 3, 2020Aligning the desktop to the mid console...2
September 3, 2020... requires ignoring the instruction and marked places - hello Amodel, my old friend 🙂3
September 3, 2020Believe me or not, all painted using the very same Dark Ghost Grey by Vallejo 🙂4
September 3, 2020More details to follow before closing the fuselage.5
October 1, 2020Not my best cockpit ever, but fair enough for an airliner IMHO 🙂6
October 1, 2020I had to prevent the wheel bay from falling back into the fuselage7
October 1, 2020Knowing Amodel designs, I postponed the desktop alignment and I was right.8
October 1, 2020Only once the fuselage has been closed, I could get it straight 🙂9
October 13, 202010
October 13, 2020Yup, there's a small leak, will think what do later. Don't want to remove the canopy anymore.11
October 13, 2020Nice feature, kudos to Amodel team.12
October 13, 2020NH Detail fit is not amazing... or is it the Amodel moulding? 😉13
October 17, 2020I decided to cut the first one in two...14
October 17, 2020...but I managed to fit the other one without cutting.15
October 17, 2020Engines on the way.16
December 1, 2020The famous Amodel fit and design 😄17
December 1, 2020The KV masks (the only ones available on the market) have additional "gasket" part (my assumption).
Not sure I'm gonna use it, have to check how prominent it is in reality.
You can also see the penetration-glue-putty, all credits to Thomas and his Swedish mentor 😉18
December 1, 2020Sanding commenced!19
December 26, 2020Dryfitting after the priming. I consider spraying the engines before mating the wings with the fuselage.20
December 26, 2020That's what the windows are going to look like (yeah, I know I need to paint the holes black first).21
December 27, 2020Pain in the ass to spray the old Tamiya X-4, but I simply love that shade, I haven't seen more blueish blue yet 😄22
January 1, 202123
January 1, 202124
January 6, 2021No more dry-fitting 🙂25
January 6, 202126
January 10, 202127
January 10, 2021More filling.28
January 10, 202129
January 10, 2021My fault, should have followed the wing marks better... 🙁30
January 10, 2021Repositioned.31
January 10, 2021Fixing pt.I32
January 10, 2021Fixing continues, pt.II33
January 10, 202134
January 10, 2021Better, isn't it?35
January 12, 2021Main undercarriage needs strengthening.36
January 12, 2021And so does the front part too.37
January 12, 2021And on its own legs finally! )38
January 16, 202139
January 16, 202140
January 16, 202141
January 17, 202142
January 17, 202143
January 17, 202144
January 17, 202145
January 17, 202146
January 17, 2021I consider main painting to be completed.47
January 24, 2021Working on the exhausts, which were hilariously thick 🙂48
January 24, 2021Brace yourselves...49
January 24, 2021Turns out the black registrations were painted onto a brighter grey, will have to add it.50
January 24, 2021... winter is coming 🙁 Looks like a Norwegian pullover now 😉51
January 26, 2021Turns out the registration is not repeated on the top of the wings - less work 👍52
January 26, 2021But the emergency exit markings are missing in the Coast Air decal set 🙁
Need to rob the A-Model sheet and add the black background...53
January 30, 2021The kit decal for the emergency overwing exits (yellow part trimmed, it was out of register btw.)54
January 30, 2021Painting the black part and filling the yellow parts that splintered away straight into the arms of the Carpet Monster.55
January 31, 2021These 2 are missing in the kit.56
February 14, 2021On its own wheels now, propeller saga continues... (another lesson to avoid prop end decals 🙂 )57
February 14, 2021Closeup, the brako hose took whole evening yesterday.58
February 14, 2021Side windows are not yet there, but soon 🙂59
February 14, 2021Props are dry-fitted only, still needing some corrections.60
February 21, 2021@Cuajete: the windows have arrived! 😉61
February 21, 2021The last stretch, waiting for last layer of varnish to seal it.62
February 25, 202163
February 25, 202164
February 25, 202165
February 25, 202166
February 25, 202167
February 25, 202168
February 25, 202169
February 25, 202170
February 25, 202171
February 25, 202172
February 25, 202173
February 25, 202174
February 25, 202175
February 25, 202176
February 25, 2021
28 March 2025, 19:16 -