April 5, 2021As my second hobby is slotcar, I was willing to slaughter the ducks, but there was no need2
June 8, 2021The Semi Gloss Sea Blue that inspired me3
June 8, 20214
June 8, 2021So, the Hataka Semi Gloss Sea Blue arrived. I couldn’t wait, so here the first results. I’m happy with it.5
May 28, 2021Here some colour examples. Blue, green, navy blue, sea blue. Oxford blue, French blue... Decisions to make...6
May 28, 2021Tini, get your gun! (and spray)7
May 28, 20218
May 28, 2021Almost everything fitted, just the windscreen, and bolts on the wheels need to be fitted, after painting.9
May 26, 2021The first steps for the windshield10
May 22, 2021Don’t know why I can’t raise the front. The bolt (moer) prevents it to turn ?11
May 22, 202112
May 22, 2021Scratced the gun carriage and the M18 gun. Still strugling with the angle of the gun...13
May 13, 202114
May 13, 2021Just a primer to see some effort15
May 13, 2021“Doors” made, bumper soldered en fixed16
May 13, 2021Bottoms up.17
May 8, 2021Closed18
May 8, 202119
May 8, 2021The officer arrived, made a mold to glue the wheels in the right place. (Gives me a headache). Wheelarches closed20
May 1, 2021Extensive ? instrumentarium made.21
April 20, 2021Lots of work creating the bulkhead. Yes, it’s called bulkhead. We say schutbord, in French it is cloison. Take your pick ?22
April 20, 2021I think it is reverse gear ?23
April 18, 2021Saddle up24
April 18, 2021Second line of suspension25
April 17, 2021Intrusions ready. Not that easy to build identical parts...26
April 17, 2021Scratching a chair27
April 16, 2021A new door (010 sheet with half round 040 at both sides)28
April 16, 2021Suspension cylinders fitted29
April 16, 202130
April 16, 2021Floor and trunk31
April 16, 2021Inside floor32
April 12, 2021Primered the carosserie (body)
Adjusting the chassis33
April 9, 2021Green stuff for the holes, have had te worst with sawing and filing of the diecast. ??34
April 5, 2021(Anciens Cols Bleus) (ARDHAN)35
April 5, 2021Removed the roof36
April 5, 2021Chop chop37
April 9, 202138
April 5, 2021By my knowledge there is no 2cv model in 1/35, I found this die-cast toy car, scaled 1/34, which is splendid for the job39
June 10, 202140
June 17, 2021Did some pre shading and then the “official” color. Now waiting for the ordered decals41
June 25, 2021Glued the wheels, chair and steering wheel in place. Painted some details42
June 25, 202143
July 2, 202144
July 6, 2021Started on the figures, left a blast model, middle and right Bravo 6 Vietnam figures, converted to fusiler marin and a navy officer.
Still under construction, the fusilier has become a Hornet head, a different leather belt, made from masking tape and some other alterations. The officer became a “normal” long pants and also alterations at the uniform pockets45
July 6, 2021Chipping and dust46
July 6, 2021Chipping and dust47
July 19, 2021I think it’s finished. On to the diorama and figures48
July 19, 2021I think it’s finished. On to the diorama and figures49
July 19, 2021I think it’s finished. On to the diorama and figures50
September 2, 202151
September 2, 2021Figures and base done. Ready52
September 12, 2021Figures and base done. Ready53
September 12, 2021Figures and base done. Ready54
September 12, 2021Figures and base done. Ready55
September 12, 2021Figures and base done. Ready56
September 12, 2021Figures and base done. Ready57
September 12, 2021Figures and base done. Ready
4 March 2025, 17:26 -