база података моделирања возова | Менаџер залиха
Dave Norman (Daven481)

Completed photos


48 27 March 2023, 12:46
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 27 March 2023, 13:54
Dave Norman Аутор
Thank you Villiers
 27 March 2023, 14:48
James C
Thats a stunning looking finish Dave, awesome looking Vulcan! 👍
It's on my to-do list as well... anything to watch out for when building?
 27 March 2023, 14:54
Alexander Grivonev
What a beefcake, awesome 👍
 27 March 2023, 15:14
Dave Norman Аутор
Thank you Alexander
 27 March 2023, 15:15
Dave Norman Аутор
@ James. I would say take your time and do plenty of dry fits. The nose and tailcone can be problematic, but with care, a good fit can be achieved. The biggest PITA is the exhausts, which are made of three pieces. It's bad enough doing it once, but 4 tines is a drag. Fit to the fuselage also needs care.
 27 March 2023, 15:19
James C
Cool and thanks 👍
 27 March 2023, 15:42
Michael Kohl
Massive plane, good result.
 27 March 2023, 15:48
Dave Norman Аутор
Thanks Michael.
 27 March 2023, 16:17
Great stuff!
 27 March 2023, 17:55
Dave Norman Аутор
Thanks Ekki
 27 March 2023, 18:18
Łukasz Gliński
Very nice build of this beauty 👍
 28 March 2023, 14:37
Dave Norman Аутор
Thank you Lukasz
 28 March 2023, 17:45
Bernd Grün
Very nice build and paint job of the Vulcan. Congrats! 👍
 29 March 2023, 12:27
Dave Norman Аутор
Thanks Bernd
 29 March 2023, 16:00
Andy Ball
super build! noted your 'not so bad' comments...I've got one to build in the future.
 29 March 2023, 16:42
Dave Norman Аутор
Thanks Andy. As I said, it has problems but they can be overcome.
 29 March 2023, 17:44
Guy Rump
Beautiful build. 👍
 18 December 2023, 04:19

Album info

Finally finished my Airfix Vulcan. Built as a K2 tanker from 50 Sqn, the kit on the whole is ok, not bad but not brilliant. Used Hataka orange line paints which were awesome, as always. Weathered with AK weathering pencils and Mig pigments.

18 слике
1:72 Avro Vulcan B.2 (Airfix A12011)1:72 Flight Refuelling Ltd. Mk17 Hose Drum Unit (Harrier )1:72 Vulcan B.2 (Eduard CX604)1:72 Vulcan WRAP camouflage (TopNotch TNM72-M186)1:72 Gods of Sea and Fire (Freightdog Models FSD72001S)

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