Tracks for Object 279
MasterClub | No. MTL35056 | 1:35
- Varumärke:
- MasterClub
- Titel:
- Tracks for Object 279
- Siffra:
- MTL35056
- Skala:
- 1:35
- Typ:
- Detaljuppsättning
- Ämne:
- Object 279 » Tankar (Fordon)
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Michael Valentan
This tracks are absolute fantastic...but it´s easier to use 0,5-mm copper-wire instead the small Resin-pins, they break very easy. You can push the wire from side to side and cut it in the right lenght and the ends will be spot-on. I use a small nail-clip for doing this...
This tracks are absolute fantastic...but it´s easier to use 0,5-mm copper-wire instead the small Resin-pins, they break very easy. You can push the wire from side to side and cut it in the right lenght and the ends will be spot-on. I use a small nail-clip for doing this...
6 October 2019, 12:59
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