Diesel-Lokomotive BR 130/230 "Ludmilla"
Revell | No. 02169 | 1:87
İlgili ürünler
Detail and Conversion sets
İçin tasarlandı: Unknown
LokSound BR130 Sound decoder & Speaker
Piko 1:87 H0
56340 Completed models
İçin tasarlandı: Unknown
BR 131.1 DR (AC digital)
Piko 1:87 H0
59757 BR 131.1 DR
Piko 1:87 H0
59756 Diesel locomotive BR 131DR IV, Dec. (AC digital)
Piko 1:87 H0
59753 Diesel locomotive BR 131 DR IV
Piko 1:87 H0
59752 DR BR130 diesel locomotive (AC digital Sound)
Piko 1:87 H0
59749 DR BR130 diesel locomotive (Digital)
Piko 1:87 H0
59748 DR BR130 diesel locomotive (AC digital)
Piko 1:87 H0
59745 DR BR130 diesel Locomotive
Piko 1:87 H0
59744 Set BR 131 diesel & 3 Silo container car Slmmp DR IV
Piko 1:87 H0
58130 Diesel locomotive BR 142, DR (Digital Sound)
Roco 1:87 H0
73709 Diesel locomotive BR 142 (DR)
Roco 1:87 H0
73708 Diesel locomotive BR 142, DR (Digital Sound)
Roco 1:87 H0
52463 Diesel locomotive BR 142 (DR)
Roco 1:87 H0
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Brawa 1:87 H0
41461 Diesel locomotive BR 233 DB AG, Bahnbau Gruppe (DC Digital with sound)
Brawa 1:87 H0
41460 Diesel locomotive BR 233 DB AG, Bahnbau Gruppe (AC Digital)
Brawa 1:87 H0
41459 Diesel locomotive BR 233 DB AG, Bahnbau Gruppe (DC Analog)
Brawa 1:87 H0