Completed Photos
20 September 2017, 19:46

Hi Alexander. The idea was taken from a photo in a book of the rider pushing his motorcycle through the mud in Russia. Unfortunately I don't have access to the photo anymore to show you
21 September 2017, 09:59

Really nice "rapustitsa" scene, 👍
But IMHO, I hope you don't mind me saying, would prefer to see it wet (maybe a bit of satin or gloss varnish and darker colours in the mud)? 🤔
21 September 2017, 10:07

Don't mind you saying at all Rui. There are some wet areas but it could probably do with some more. I only dabble in armour/military subjects and my diorama skills are a bit lacking!
21 September 2017, 10:55

Hi Dave,
I don't see any bit of lacking skills here (much the contrary).
The Vignette is very well executed. 👍
I just mentioned the only thing I see, that could have been done to improve it even more😎.
If the motorcyclist is so deepened in the mud this means that it is very wet.
I've some photos with German motorcycles in the Rapustitsa. and some looks very similar to what you've depicted.
21 September 2017, 11:10

Cheers guys, thanks for the comments. It is also at least 10 years old so maybe I can hope that my skills have improved since then......🙂
21 September 2017, 11:13

btw if you wanted to express "say cheese" in german with that is...wrong on so many levels 😄😄
21 September 2017, 11:43

😄😄 I thought it wouldn't be that accurate. It was the best I could come up with at the time with my limited German. Out of interest what would the right expression be?
21 September 2017, 11:47

Polyfilla mixed with oil paint. Polyfilla is used in the UK to fill cracks in walls before painting
21 September 2017, 11:56

"Bitte recht freundlich!" Is what germans say, when they mean "say cheese". 😄 LOL Sweet ´lil vignette, Dave! I like it.👍
21 September 2017, 11:59

"Bitte lächeln!" (please smile) would fit to the scenery pretty good since it would sound a little bit teasing towards the unfortunate situation of the guy...
21 September 2017, 12:00

Cheers guys. I might make a new label for it but now I've got a decision to make🤔🤔 What is the translation for the first one Holger?
21 September 2017, 12:04

Dave, "Bitte recht freundlich" says "please be quite kind" but it means "please smile"
I would leave the label as it is! Definately a showstopper for germans!😢
21 September 2017, 12:09

Cheers Holger. I'll follow your advice and leave it as it is then👍
21 September 2017, 12:11

Definitely leave it as it is! It adds a little....uniqueness😄
21 September 2017, 13:55