Gerda? GÄRDA!
25 April 2018, 22:43

Indeed, very good chipping! I'm usually used with techniques involving hairspray or chipping fluid (or maybe some AK washable agent mixed with paint), but I see that you've used oil paint instead ?
26 April 2018, 07:15

Hi Dan! Thank you for your comment.
In this case I used AK worn effect chipping fluid under AK washable white. The oils where used to blend everything.
26 April 2018, 07:49

Nice paint job in that Beautiful Gerda, Holger 👍
Are the tracks finished?
I just think they look a beat monochromatic, and need a bit more control on track sag, IMHO.
26 April 2018, 22:11

You are a f****** welcome!😉 thank you very much! On the pictures that Tracks Look monochromatic only because of, i played too much with pigments. ..
12 July 2018, 05:51

So this is Gerda... She really looks great with that worn and weathered dress 👍 Great work!
BTW: cool AVa. in my opinion Best and most refreshing beer in the world 👍
11 October 2018, 12:10

A Stug with snow tracks! Doesn't get much cooler than that. Great build!
20 October 2018, 22:03

Moin Dudes!Daniel, Ingo, Jason: Thanks a lot guys!
Daniel, You are right! Jever is best! 🙂
21 October 2018, 05:16

The weathering and snow looks amazing Holger 👍 Put it on a Diorama and take a Black and white picture of this, it will looks aß a real Photograph 😉
21 October 2018, 07:51