tren modelleme veritabanı | depo yöneticisi
Holger Kranich (Booze)

Tornado IDS

December 10, 2011
January 16, 2012
Harcanan zaman:
Approx. 35 Hours

I´m not going to build this one in the anniversary scheme. I plan to make it in standard grey. The idea behind this Tornado is to add selfmade decals on the mashine and display it at my office. The american pilots are going to morph into germans. I hope that will work!

Proje envanteri

Tam kitleri
Tornado "Pride of Boelcke" 50th anniversary
Revell 1:72
04288 (80-4288) 2009 Yeni çıkartmalar

Fotoğraf albümleri

49 Görüntüler
Tornado IDS "Wangerooge Logo"View album, image #1
1:72 Tornado "Pride of Boelcke" 50th anniversary (Revell 04288)


12 December 2011, 08:42
Holger Kranich Yazar
First small update: The fit of this kit is unbelieveable great! The winghalves f. ex. dont need extra sanding and pix will follow soon! Unfortunately are some of the Airesgoodies are sold out, so my AMS is not satified... 🙁
 14 December 2011, 08:43
Tim Vereecke
interesting project Holger, get those pictures online! 🙂
 14 December 2011, 08:56
Holger Kranich Yazar
I will, Tim, i will😉! I´ll post them maybe after lunch. Have you ever build one of this 1:72 Revells? It´s real fun!🙂
 14 December 2011, 09:02
Tim Vereecke
I built a 72nd scale Tornado from Revell, but that must be 15 years ago.
 14 December 2011, 09:21
Wilfried Bogaerts
Good to hear about the fit (sigh of relief), I have several of these in my loft. Can you build this one wheels up?
 14 December 2011, 10:05
Wilfried Bogaerts
Homemade decals? HAS (Holger's Air Force) with the Megadeth cover on "The Mighty Fin)
 14 December 2011, 10:08
Holger Kranich Yazar
What do you mean "wheels up"? I do something unusual for me, this one shall be build in flying-condition. So no gear will be attached. 🙂
 14 December 2011, 10:09
Holger Kranich Yazar
No Wilfried, i´m gonna create some decals of the logo of my island. Will be my first attempt in making decals. And yes, they would get appllied on the "Mighty Fin"! 🙂
 14 December 2011, 10:13
Wilfried Bogaerts
Yep, flying condition, I was wondering if the wheel bay covers fit well in closed position as in many kits this is not the case, and you have to do some serious surgery/sanding
 14 December 2011, 10:14
Holger Kranich Yazar
Hmm your idea of a "Megadeth-aircraft" sound good to me! I add that to my "Idea-of-future-projects"! THX Wilfried😉
 14 December 2011, 10:17
Joe Kozak
Holger, Keep posted on the home made decals... Joe
 14 December 2011, 10:28
Holger Kranich Yazar
Sure Joe! I´ll try to be as exactly as i can with the decals!
 14 December 2011, 10:37
Holger Kranich Yazar
@ Wilfried I hope that i dont have to fit the baycovers brutally in. If they fit like the rest, they will suck in by themselfes!😉
 14 December 2011, 12:41