- ölçek:
- 1:35
- durum:
- Beklemede
- Başlatılan:
- September 2, 2023
The TAM 2C MBT is an upgraded version of the TAM (Tanque Argentino Mediano) MBT which was developed by the German company Rheinmetall Landsysteme (then Henschel Wehrtechnik) to meet the operational requirements of the Argentine Army. Development of the new TAM 2C performed by Argentine Army Research, Development work on the TAM 2C upgrade was carried out by the Argentine Army Research, Development and Production Directorate in collaboration with Israeli companies Elbit Systems, IMI, and Tadiran. After the first prototype was delivered to Argentina, the development was continued by the Argentine company TAMSE and introduced more than 1,450 modifications to production vehicles.
The Argentine MoD has emitted a contract in 2010 to modernize the TAM MBT, such funding was expected to allow the upgrade of up to 138 tanks, while the remaining "old" TAM MBT would be possibly upgraded in a future contract. First prototype of the TAM 2C was completed in 2013 and the final contract between Argentina and the Israeli Ministry of Defense was signed in mid-2015. The modernization of the TAM 2C mainly focused on FCS, 105mm gun stabilization and commanders/gunners optics which could allow the TAM MBT to detect and engage targets under almost any weather conditions, day/night, and improve first hit probability.
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