A Couple Rolls Royce's
A nice Trio
- ölçek:
- 1:35
- durum:
- Tamamlanan
- Başlatılan:
- April 6, 2021
- Tamamlanan:
- May 5, 2022
Quite enamored with the look of the Rolls Royce Armored Car decided to build one.
Question was which one, Meng, Roden or the Warslug?
And why not all three? I was able to compare the kits on the fly.
It turned out to be three very different kits. Each with their own pluses and minuses.
Final conclusion; the Warslug kit is the best kit, but with the disadvantage that only one version can be built (interbellum).
The meng kit is good and a nice build. The spoked wheels are much too coarse compared to Roden. So this became the desert version.
The Roden kit requires a little more effort but eventually builds into a nice model. And the wire wheels are very nice and finely executed. Wondering about the strange surface texture?
Here and there I did some mix and match, easily through three of the same subjects.
Here are the results
1st diorama is the Roden kit: North-West France 1914
2nd diorama is the Warslug kit: Belfast Irish Civil War 1932
3rd diorama is the Meng kit: North Africa Libya 1940
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