F-117A Stealth Nighthawk
A trip down memory lane.
- Subject:
Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk
US Air Force (1947-now)
37 TFW
1990 - Tonopah, NV
black overall- ölçek:
- 1:72
- durum:
- Tamamlanan
- Başlatılan:
- July 14, 2023
- Tamamlanan:
- March 3, 2024
I got this kit some 30 years ago as a gift to a subscription on "Airplane - Aviation Encyclopedia". It was about the same time some F-117's were deployed to Gilze-Rijen AFB in the Netherlands for excercise Coronet Havoc.
This was of course a big sensation, especially for the Dutch airplane spotters.
So, I reckoned that it's about time to build this kit.
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31 Görüntüler
F-117A Stealth Nighthawk
Okay, and then after a coat of extra flat varnish the landing gear is completed...
proje: F-117A Stealth Nighthawk
Benim bir parçası Düzen
1 17 July 2023, 21:02