Jiri VybihalАвтор As first I must say that I was pretty pissed-of when I was writing the comment. The kit was presented as new one or of new tool but in reality it was only of revoreked old tool by RV model. During the build I was really angry because on one side there is number of nice details but at the end most of them are lost due to really big amout of putty and sanding. For example the nose - maybe it is better when building ML of MF version but in case of this BN there is like 2mm gap between the nose and body and air intakes so you must add some plastic plate and than again putty and sanding. It was crazy but the end I was able finish it somehow (you can see in my galery). Thing is that I don´t have so much time for modeling so I was pissed that I am wasting it due bad model. So now after some time I would like to change my statement - I do recommend this model only to skilled modellers with plenty of time and endless patience 🙂