1 5 March 2016, 21:22

Well, in terms of paint cans used to spray it all, it's impressive indeed😉
5 May 2016, 19:54

It is more likely to be a hangar for the Mirage 5 era than for the F-16 , Lukasz, but it is a very nice setting for any type of airplane.🙂
What glue do you use to build it ?
9 July 2016, 19:01

Well, it's indeed intended to be the generic background architecture 🙂
The glue is "Express wood glue" by Pattex - picture is here:
Hangar | Album by Woody (1:72)
9 July 2016, 19:44

Thanks, I still need to wash it a bit and will announce this project finished 🙂
26 July 2016, 06:49