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Ben M
Ben M

space 1999 eagle


8 30 September 2018, 00:38
Choppa Nutta
Cool subject, I've just been watching season one of this show and I have to say it hasn't aged too badly at all 🙂
Although some episodes are a bit silly and it doesn't seem to matter how many people die on Alpha One there is always over 300 people there haha 😄
still though, all good fun.
I shall enjoy following this 🙂
 30 September 2018, 11:26
Ben M Автор
Yes the show is pretty funny. My wife and I watched a couple episodes and laughed the whole time. I loved it when I was a kid, and I had built this model and the one of the hawk when I was a kid. I also built some alien with a car that I think was from the show.
 30 September 2018, 17:02
Ben M Автор
The landing gear continues to challenge me but I have one leg done maybe. Kind of wish now I would have made them spring loaded, wouldn't have been much harder. The foot pad is a ground down plastic part from the kit, the rest is brass parts and photoetch.
 1 November 2018, 17:30
Ben M Автор
Not sure how I will mask this for painting. The bottom of the pod should remain black, the rest silver. Liquid masking compound maybe?
 1 November 2018, 17:32
I think liquid is the best choice
 1 November 2018, 18:11
Ben M Автор
Unfortunately the liquid mask pulled the Vallejo black primer off the brass ... I'm repainting everything with a brush.
 18 November 2018, 00:06
Ben M Автор
Now the tamiya tape pulled the paint off the photo etch. There sure is a learning curve here... Any advice on how to keep this from happening? I used tamiya grey primer as my base coat.
 4 December 2018, 03:04
Ben M Автор
All done!
 22 December 2018, 18:56
Stefan Schacht
Hallo Ben, nice projekt. I have had good experience with mr metal primer from gunze scalemates.com/kits/1014116-..ngyo-mp242-mr-metal-primer-r. Cheers Stefan
 22 December 2018, 18:58
Ben M Автор
Thank you for the tip! I will try some next time. I appreciate all the help I got from everyone on here!
 22 December 2018, 18:59

Project info

27 зображення
1:96 Eagle 1 Transporter (MPC MPC791/12)1:96 Eagle Photoetch Set (ParaGrafix Modeling Systems PGX177)

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