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MyAlbum Hotchkiss H39


13 2 February 2021, 01:24
Tini, photo 10 is showing Somua not Hotchkiss tanks on the Champs Elysées.
I see you are well equipped for the painting operations.
 5 February 2021, 20:52
Teeage Автор
Deleted 👍
 5 February 2021, 20:57
Dom S.
Nice work. Do you build the Beutepanzer version?
 5 February 2021, 22:10
Teeage Автор
Yes, it has to be, the kit had the German hatch.
 5 February 2021, 22:23
Dom S.
sry right, I see now too. I'm curious ..... Beutepanzer are also a great topic
 5 February 2021, 22:27
Teeage Автор
I knew I had a Waffen-Arsenal somewhere, bought for DM 12,80 hahaha. I found it, but it is only American and Britsh. Oh, yes, great topics.
 5 February 2021, 22:57
Dom S.
good old times! But are great booklets from Waffen-Arsenal
 6 February 2021, 18:13

Album info

This Trumpeter kit lied 16 years halfbuild in the attic. It was my first Trumpeter (and last). I had Hobby Boss tracks who went straight in the garbage bin. I use this model to get used to acrylics (long live the good old Humbrol tins), modulation and all the new tricks they invented this century 😉.

22 зображення
1:35 Hotchkiss H-39 (H) (Eduard 35921)1:35 Hotchkiss 39(H) (Trumpeter 00352)

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