1939 Yellowwing TBD Devastator, BuNo 0318, USS Enterprise CV6
March 24, 20212
March 25, 2021P&W R1830 finished, 95 parts added3
March 24, 20214
May 10, 2021Engine painted5
May 10, 20216
April 9, 20217
April 9, 2021All the PE slowly finding it‘s place, plus some wiring here and there..8
April 9, 20219
April 12, 2021Footrest, pedalry and hoist-sling mount added10
April 12, 202111
April 12, 202112
April 21, 202113
April 21, 202114
April 23, 2021More knobs dials and switches added15
May 1, 2021All four workstations finished plus fuselage halves. Fuselage closing coming up next
May 1, 202117
May 1, 202118
May 1, 202119
May 1, 202120
May 1, 202121
May 3, 2021Cockpit subassembly attached to port halve of fuselage. Fit is surprisingly good, considering the huge amount of
parts that have to be crammed in there22
May 3, 202123
May 3, 202124
May 10, 2021Rudder control surface separated25
May 10, 2021Trailing edge thinned down26
May 10, 202127
May 13, 2021Fuselage and Trailing edge closed, rudder leading edge rounding restored.
May 13, 202129
May 17, 202130
May 17, 202131
May 17, 2021Elevators upgraded by separating control surfaces, adding holes to the fixed parts and installing hinges.32
June 17, 2021This is the third failing attempt to make the wings foldable - I am close to giving up on this.
There may be one more way to make it work worth trying33
June 17, 2021This is where I thought the hinges were located34
June 17, 2021But in reality they really were here, maybe I can replicate that, I’m not sure if it will work35
June 28, 202136
June 28, 2021Folded side of wing dry fit37
June 28, 202138
June 28, 202139
June 28, 202140
July 24, 2021New clear parts for the gunner‘s compartment made a‘ la Toaster 🙂 and masked41
July 24, 2021Very bulky kitparts fit only barely underneath the fixed part of the rear canopy42
August 9, 2021Aluminum dope‘s on43
August 9, 2021Clearparts finished44
August 9, 2021Surprisingly, the Techmod vinyl masks fit, although designed for the old Monogram kit - great relief !45
August 10, 2021Blue and yellow on, masks off !46
August 12, 202147
October 4, 2021Today I flew this one into Bernhards private Airstrip, so it could be photographed properly 🙂48
October 4, 202149
October 4, 202150
October 4, 202151
October 4, 202152
October 4, 202153
October 4, 202154
October 4, 202155
October 4, 202156
October 4, 202157
October 4, 202158
October 4, 202159
October 4, 202160
October 4, 202161
May 7, 202262
May 7, 202263
May 7, 202264
May 7, 202265
May 7, 202266
May 7, 202267
May 7, 2022
26 February 2025, 08:53 -