My vintage resin AMX
83 16 June 2022, 15:46

No, not all. My Elite Fuchs will go to the bin and I am still pondering whether to send my resin Iltis down the same path. But this notwithstanding, I like to see what you make from this challenging base. I cross my fingers.
17 June 2022, 11:37

I think Italeri will wait with their kit till Lukasz has finished his model. That is Murphy's modelling law.
18 June 2022, 07:25

Well done so far, Łukasz!
This promises a lot of work, but I know you're used to it 😛
4 July 2022, 18:58

Well, I do my best to split the sanding sessions, so I don't get frustrated too soon 😋
4 July 2022, 20:38

Łukasz, be careful with the resin dust. Remember that it is very toxic and that it is better to use a good mask or to sand inside a bag so that the dust does not remain suspended in the environment.
5 July 2022, 17:04

Thx, it's summer so I usuallly sand outdoor in the mask. But never thought of a bag! But why does the Chef's pleasure bag immediately come to my mind? 😋
5 July 2022, 18:54

Looking great Łukasz! But resin is a b*tch, take great care avoiding the dust as the plague. Let me know how you manage working with superglue. For me, superglue and resin is the horror. It bonds in less than a second, so it's really just one shot to get parts *exactly* where they should be. No second chances.
5 July 2022, 19:14

Just some info for Thomas and maybe Lukasz: zap a gap medium ca+ does not dry in a second and Ammo ultra acrylic glue is a great alternative to ca for pe parts. It applies like white glue , allows adjustments and makes a strong bond after 10 minutes or so.
5 July 2022, 20:00

Erik, thank you for the tip with the Zap A Gap! I know about the acrylic adhesives, but the bond is not very strong for critical joins and also the glue has a volume which affects the fit.
5 July 2022, 20:26

Thanks Erik for the hint.
Thomas, well I don't like CA that much. I try to glue what I can with PVA glue or Kristal Klear. If it comes to big resin parts, that have to be strong I either use the black CA (need to finish the package) or non-stinking CA glue by Deluxe Materials. No matter which one, I leave it away for long to get stiff and to avoid inhaling too much of it.
For rigging I use the accelerator too, but not for strong bonds - it dries quick, but seems more fragile afterwards.
5 July 2022, 21:03

You're a brave man Łukasz! 🙂 Seems like you're talents pay off and it will become something very admireable in the end! Good luck!
23 July 2022, 16:17

Yes Łukasz... We want you to finish it, because according to Murphy's law, the new mold will not be published until the old one is not built... And many of us are waiting for the new one to be released 😛
23 July 2022, 17:32

I'm one of you, waiting for the Italians and decided to speed'em up a bit by building this kit 😄
24 July 2022, 07:56

Amazing work, I cannot but admire you enough for this superb effort.
13 August 2022, 07:48

Thx, it was never stopped, it's just too hot at the attic nowadays 😉
16 August 2022, 08:21

The weather deteriorated today and hence there's some progress.
That's how scale modelling works, isn't it? 😉
28 August 2022, 19:00

Good job! With a kit like this you need a lot of willpower! My resin Amx from cunarmodel was a nightmare!
30 August 2022, 21:03

Thanks mates. Actually the most needed elements are the filler and CA glue 😄
Always thought mine was bad, however the fit is quite good 🙂
31 August 2022, 07:42

I do hope so 🙂
Btw. Does anyone here happen to know where I could source the replacement fuel tanks? They are missing in my kit 🙁
31 August 2022, 07:47

As this plane has quite a beautiful shape and looks even good on wheels you might even consider building it without any ordnance.
31 August 2022, 08:08

Welcome mates!
@Davide: let me see how it looks completed w/o tanks and if it's gonna be not nice enough I'll ping you. Mille grazie!
14 September 2022, 12:06

Not my best day today. Returned to the AMX only to find out there's a lot of sanding residue in the cockpit. Probably the result of the exhaust drilling 🙁
It needs to dry now before I can continue, will leave it for couple of days.
1 October 2022, 15:39

Thank you for your support, it really helped me to come back to the bench and keep on wrestling the ancient AMX kit.
Cleaned the cockpit as much as I could and reattached the canopy. Then blended the rudder with fuselage using the miliput (my fav UK putty is not really scribable).
I was reluctant for years to try it, but I really like the way it can be flushed before drying using water and earbuds.
Today was the second priming round, most of the bubbles are gone, however some lines will need rescribing.
18 October 2022, 20:21

Gracias amigo 👍
Meanwhile I continue the cockpit-blending sessions (using miliput and water) and added the landing gear today.
6 November 2022, 21:33

Well it's starting to really look like an AMX now. 😎
Great job with what looks like a difficult kit. 👍
Looking forward to the finish project.
7 November 2022, 02:44

Thank you, glad to see you like it.
I managed to break front landing gear in 3 pieces and glue it back in the meantime 🙁
Today I also corrected the main gear geometry which was screwed a bit.
26 November 2022, 21:19

Started spraying today, lighter camo grey first. slight shading scheduled for the weekend.
@Davide: Is your droptank offer still valid?
20 January 2023, 20:55

GREAT! Looking for more pictures 👍🏻 Hope that Davide will reply soon!
21 January 2023, 07:43

Looks great, Łukasz.
We invoke Davide for that voluntary donation from the droptanks (no pressure here... supposedly 😄) 😛
21 January 2023, 18:50

Of course! It's still valid! I'll look for them this week! It's an honor to help with this project and then, if I remember correctly, when you finish your AMX, italeri will finally bring out the new mold!😂 Let's get in touch about shipping in private 👍👍
22 January 2023, 21:54

@Davide: That's why we are wishing for Łukasz finish his 😄
And also to see the final result, of course 😛
23 January 2023, 18:43

Perfetto, mille grazie!
Of course I hope they will release it v.soon 😄
Believe me or not, the original decals are still working 😮 (did some testing over the weekend)
@Davide: writing to you a PM right away 🙂
23 January 2023, 20:09

I really like how you handled those junks of crude plastic. Looks very promising. Keep up the good work and us posted.
25 January 2023, 08:20

Friends, Italeri just announced that: "In the 1:72 line we would like to highlight the release of the AMX" 🙂
28 January 2023, 21:26

Lovely, I feel my mission is close to accomplishment 😄
No need to thank me for that mates 😛
28 January 2023, 21:35

Reinforcements have arrived, just half an hour ago 👍
Aside of the 4 😮 tanks I got couple of Sidewinders with rails, wheels and lots of other stuff.
Mille grazie Davide!
6 February 2023, 08:47

Super cooperation between Italy and Poland! Well done! Good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 February 2023, 09:23

@Łukasz . yes 😉 We have also this quoted in our national anthem 😉
6 February 2023, 10:03

And vice versa 😄
In the meantime I started decalling, but I was unable to find anything I could use to scratch the tail markings.
The ones in the kit have wrong size and font, therefore I ordered new ones. That might take some time though.
6 February 2023, 10:28

They look grand indeed, however the FAB AMXs didn't carry such a modern Sidewinders while in the old camo. I have also finished painting the wheels already, so mainly the tanks will be used.
6 February 2023, 19:08

Added the wheels today, starts to look like an AMX 😄
The panel line trenches make it look bit diecastish/Matchboxish, but it's resin, so it's gonna stay like that.
9 February 2023, 20:45

Wait till you see the Marianna trench on my 48th scale P2V7 Neptune...
Looking good my friend!
9 February 2023, 21:01

I too think it looks good. I suppose I will get the new Italeri when it hits the shelfs. Thanx Lukasz for making this happen 🙂
9 February 2023, 21:11

Mamma mia! I totally like it! I don't know how, but the resin add a special touch to this "Tornado tascabile" 🙂
9 February 2023, 21:19

Outstanding build with great effort and skills. 👌 Congrats, Lukasz!
10 February 2023, 08:06

Thanks for your positive replies, much appreciated. I started to think of not washing the panel lines, so they don't become more prominent.
I have to wait for the tail decals for about 2-3 weeks now as I don't want to re-glue all the bits, pieces and tanks all over again 😄
10 February 2023, 09:37

Incredibly impressive, having recently started an aircraft with just a few bits of resin, I couldn't imagine doing a complete one! Congrats! 👍
30 April 2023, 16:41

Wow... magnificent result, Łukasz. I love it!
The end is near. This means that Italeri has little left to comply with Murphy's law 😛
30 April 2023, 17:58

Thx, seems like Italeri is still procrastinating (oh man, I know that feeling! 😄) while I'm adding all the tiny bits and pieces, mainly scratchbuilt of found in the scrapbox.
1 May 2023, 20:35

Super! In the meantime I've purchased a decals sheet for the Italian AMXs, but I fell that Italeri, as usual, will procrastinate again and again...
2 May 2023, 05:55

The tanks are there! All credits, thanks and kudos -> Davide 👍
I removed the masks and well, the sanding residue is still there - need to take a break to think how to fix it.
Aside of that (sigh!) there are only Sidewinders left (repainted currently) and the white antenna needs a bit of filling.
PS. Yes, I know the position lights are bit too big, but I'm gonna leave it.
2 May 2023, 21:09

Łukasz, AMX looks very good. 👍
Too bad about the sanding dust on the cockpit cover. Probably the only way to get rid of the dust is to carefully remove the cab overlay. 🙁
2 May 2023, 21:39

So, I can either have a well blended dirty vacu canopy or a clean one with everything around destroyed - guess what decision I made?
3 May 2023, 11:26

Lukasz, it's sad that this happened, but not all is lost. Trust me, I am an expert in such disasters and last minute saves. I would personally try to fix the canopy in a way or another even with the risk of having to sand down some small areas around.
Before you try removing it (in case you decide on that) take first a very sharp blade and scratch/slice the paint just around the canopy contour down to the primer. Like this you can make sure that the canopy won't take additional chunks of paint and primer with it.
Is there any way to get a replacement canopy, like another vacuformed aftermarket one? I would definitely try looking for one.
3 May 2023, 11:55

I feel for you. I did not solve but ameliorated a similar problem by drilling a hole in the fuselage at an inconspicuous spot with connection to the cockpit. Then I instilled destilled water (so that no residues are left when dry) and flushed the inside more or less clean.
3 May 2023, 16:43

Many thanks for your support mates 👍 Very much appreciated.
I try to cover the cracks with putty and paint just to cover it. I have to admit I'm running out of patience towards this kit.
@Marius - theoretically I could try making one on my own, but that would require complete rebuild of the cockpit area, I don't want to do that again.
@Michael - I tried it, but the residue was bit sticky, perhaps because of its resin origin, dunno.
3 May 2023, 17:33

Somewhere (I think a fellow SM) I read that he did the same as Michael mentions, but with air instead of distilled water. Then that small hole is covered and a small touch up is made.
Cheer up, Łukasz!
3 May 2023, 18:41

A long way you have to go,...but you work it out,...👍. good luck on the last meters ! 👍
5 May 2023, 17:19

Lukasz, it is actually a visible and positive improvement. Don't forget how unforgiving these macro, close-up pictures are in 1:72. On top of that this was not an easy kit and the repairs around the canopy look good.
A 1:72 model should generally be looked at from a certain distance and I can't see any obvious imperfections at the canopy from a fair distance. Maybe some Future/Pledge on the canopy would even out some of the areas which aren't that shiny anymore.
Honestly, I wouldn't insist on any further repairs.
Congratulations on this beautiful model mate!
5 May 2023, 17:32

Really glad to see you like it more than I do 😉
Uploaded the new pics, in order to deceive the beholders' eyes I added the line decals around canopy, so the wrinkles under the paint are less prominent.
The canopy is covered with the thin Chinese UV resin I bought some time ago, it covers scratches very well.
Sidewinders left, wish me luck that I don't break anything again, like the front gear yesterday.
5 May 2023, 19:06

Nearly there - after few evenings of constant corrections of the Sidewinders I attached them today.
Preparing for the sunny photosession tomorrow, while the super glue on the front gear is drying yet again 🙁
10 May 2023, 20:02

Great job. And the repair of the transparent part of the cockpit was done very nicely.
10 May 2023, 21:26

Congrats on the result. In case you should have forgotten how far you have come, take a look at pic one 😉
13 May 2023, 07:17

Łukasz, you've done an outstanding job with that mess of resin. A result at the height of a quality plastic kit. You can be proud.
13 May 2023, 20:24

Thank you mates. I do appreciate a lot that you like this build more than myself 😄
Added the promised pics today, you can see on the box the 1995 redenomination stickers, so the kit must be at least from 28 years old.
You can also see how bad the kit's geometry is 😛
13 May 2023, 20:28

Thanks mates
Indeed, the preorders are popping up lately in various shops. 😁
14 May 2023, 17:37

And just to rub salt into those inflamed wounds, I note Italeri have announced their version….naturally not as build-able as yours!
21 May 2023, 11:32

Good news, Moreno! Congrats for the purchase 👍
Łukasz can wait for the two-seat version to be released 😛
27 May 2023, 18:01

I'm sorry for the mistake, Moreno. So I wish you could get it cheaper 😛
Many thanks anyway 🙂 👍
27 May 2023, 18:11