SBD-5 DauntlessVB-16 Dive Bomber in support of the Tarawa landingAccurate Miniatures | 货号: 3412 | 1:48MagazinesFineScale Modeler | Volume 35 Issue 3English (TOC: 18 lines)March 2017Replic | 73French (TOC: 7 lines)September 1997Model Aircraft Monthly | Volume 05 Issue 10English (TOC: 8 lines)October 2006Wingmasters | 44French (TOC: 14 lines)January-February 2005基本信息SBD-5 Dauntless VB-16 Dive Bomber in support of the Tarawa landing Accurate Miniatures 1:48 O3412 2003 新贴花