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Martin B-57B Canberra

Airfix | 货号: A10104 | 1:48

Boxart Martin B-57B Canberra A10104 Airfix


1 图片
Canberra Critic: 1/48th Airfix B-57GView album, image #1
See more of my completed model at: flypastrush.com/post..irfix-b-57b-g-rb-57e
1:48 Martin B-57B Canberra (Airfix A10104)
4 图片
B-57B Canberra Airfix 1:48View album, image #1
1:48 Martin B-57B Canberra (Airfix A10104)
8 图片
Martin B-57G CanberraView album, image #1
1:48 Martin B-57B Canberra (Airfix A10104)1:48 English Electric Canberra Wheel bays (Aires 4453)1:48 Martin B-57B Canberra Interior set (CMK 4237)1+
44 图片
B-57 CanberraView album, image #1
1:48 Martin B-57B Canberra (Airfix A10104)
8 图片
B-57GView album, image #8
This is the only picture I took of it in a local event.
项目: B-57G
1:48 Martin B-57B Canberra (Airfix A10104)1:48 White U.S. 45 Degree ID Numbers and Letters (AeroMaster AN48803)1:48 Aircraft Weapons: B (Hasegawa X48-2)