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Blade One Nipper

GodHand | 货号: PN-120

Boxart Blade One Nipper PN-120 GodHand


11 图片
Polish Yak-23 (KP 1/72)View album, image #1
1/72 Yak-23 from KP This is the original release from 1981, it's very simple but also has poor fit and details. I have ...
1:72 Jak-23 (KP 18)No NEO for Iwata (Iwata N4500)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement (Tamiya 87038)5+
34 图片
Iraqi YW-701A Command Vehicle View album, image #1
Main color: 1. Base coat of AK RC104 (Iraqi Army Desert Sand), then 2. Highlight with a mix of RC104 + RC102 (Syrian Re...
1:35 YW-701A Armored Command and Control Vehicle (Bronco CB35091)1:35 YW-531C APC Basic Set (Voyager Model PE35428)No Blade One Nipper (GodHand PN-120)4+
11 图片
Leopard 2A6 in Ukrainian ServiceView album, image #1
1:35 Leopard 2 A5/A6 (Border Model BT-002)No Blade One Nipper (GodHand PN-120)
13 图片
African Union T-55A (Rye Field Model)View album, image #1
No Blade One Nipper (GodHand PN-120)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement (Tamiya 87038)No Tamiya Cement (Tamiya 87003)5+
8 图片
T-15 Armata (On Parade)View album, image #1
项目: T-15 Armata
1:35 TBMP T-15 Armata (Zvezda 3681)No Tamiya Cement (Tamiya 87003)No Blade One Nipper (GodHand PN-120)3+