F-84G ThunderjetEasy Assembly Authentic KitHobbyBoss | 货号: 80247 | 1:72项目9 图片F-84G Thunderjet USAF Thunderbirds1:72项目: F-84G Thunderjet5 图片HobbyBoss F-84G Thunderjet1:72项目: HobbyBoss F-84G Thunderjet5 图片F-84 Thunderjet1:72项目: Belgian Air Force F-84 Thunderjet12 图片F-84G Hobby Boss1:72项目: F-84G35 图片Thunderjet comparative build1:72This is the Polish scrap fuselage with Heller wings for 26 sqn at Bierset with stropdecal项目: Republic Thunderjet ( Belgian)1+68 图片Easy (and simple) Ones1:different项目: Easy (and simple) Ones41+