Lockheed SR-71 A BlackbirdRevell | 货号: 04967 | 1:48项目13 图片Revell SR-71 Blackbird1:48项目: Revell SR-71 Blackbird8 图片SR-711:48项目: SR-719 图片SR-711:48项目: SR 71 - Revell 1:4813 图片SR-71A Blackbird1:48项目: SR-71A Blackbird5+95 图片80000 Feet and Climbing - SR-71A Blackbird - Full Build Report1:48To be fair, the kit parts look quite okay in comparison, there is just A LOT of cleaning and fitting to be done项目: 80000 Feet and Climbing - SR-71A Blackbird7+1 图片In progress1:48项目: SR-71 Blackbird7 图片ATLAS-Titan Quetzalcoatl1:1000Brainstorming项目: ATLAS-Titan Quetzalcoatl5+8 图片SR-71 Decal options1:48项目: SR-71A Blackbird4+