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German Schützenpanzer PUMA

Rye Field Model | 货号: RM-5021 | 1:35

Boxart PUMA RM-5021 Rye Field Model


9 图片
SPz PUMA VJTF 2023View album, image #3
1:35 PUMA (Rye Field Model RM-5021)1:35 Modern German Schutzenpanzer PUMA Basic (Voyager Model PE35977)1:35 Spz Puma - Aufrüstsatz zum VJTF (3D ScaleModelWorx 0012.1)3+
12 图片
1/35 RFM German modern PUMA IFVView album, image #3
1:35 PUMA (Rye Field Model RM-5021)
21 图片
65. SPz Puma on SLT-56 TransporterView album, image #1
1:35 SLT-56 Tank transporter (Trumpeter 00203)1:35 Faun SLT 56 (Eduard XT094)1:35 Wheels Set for FAUN SLT-56 Trailer (Real Model RMA35252)4+
18 图片
PUMAView album, image #1
项目: PUMA
1:35 PUMA (Rye Field Model RM-5021)
8 图片
Work in ProgressView album, image #8
项目: 3. SPz Puma
1:35 PUMA (Rye Field Model RM-5021)1:35 German Airborne in Afganistan (Ant-Miniatures 35-65)1:35 SEK M. Soldier of Special Ops German Navy (Nato in Miniatures GER006)3+
16 图片
Schützenpanzer Puma - BWView album, image #16
detail view of the body, nice anti-slip surface
1:35 PUMA (Rye Field Model RM-5021)