USAirfix 1/72 A-7A Corsair II
15 16 March, 05:29

Following 👍. I am building the Matchbox version of the A-7 D, it'll be interesting to see the differences with the Airfix one you're doing
1 16 March, 06:24

Very interesting salvaging of a vintage looking kit! But what's the story of the right wing? Did you vac-form a new one?
1 16 March, 15:55

Yes Thomas I bought a 2nd kit to vacuform a new upper wing. I wanted the challenge and felt it was a relatively easy fix.
1 17 March, 13:53

Alberto, this one isn't a bad kit it's just lacking detail especially in the cockpit. The fuselage fit is spotty and the 500lb. bombs did not want to fit properly. I'll have to take some time to do them slowly and only a few each session. The Hasegawa decals worked very well. I trimmed some of the clear film from the edges on a few but otherwise they behaved. I used Solvaset to lay them down.
17 March, 14:38

Thanks Lee. Mine is also lacking detail, plus there are many issues with the fitting of various parts that I am trying to fix one by one. Because of it I haven't got to the painting stage yet, but hey, I will get it done eventually 😄. Here's a link in case you are interested: Matchbox A-7D Corsair II | Album by Al_ (1:72)
1 17 March, 19:07