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George Bacon (Gbmodeler)



1 10 March 2014, 20:26
 10 March 2014, 20:46
Frank Krause
Great finish, George!
How did you do the lenses of the headlights?
 10 March 2014, 20:47
Christian Meyerhoff
Great Job!
 10 March 2014, 20:49
George Bacon 作者
Thanks H K, Frank, and Christian! 🙂
Frank: the headlights are from a company called MV Products. The make a wide assortment of lenses, both in size and color, for model railroads. I buy them on ebay, and keep an assortment of sizes (from 1 to 7 mm) on hand.
 10 March 2014, 21:28
Fabian D.
Great job... again 👍
 10 March 2014, 21:31
George Bacon 作者
Thanks Fabian! 🙂
 10 March 2014, 23:43
Jermaine Hoskin
I mean look at the chains, does it get any better than that? Steller performance my friend, I'm enjoying the show!
 11 March 2014, 00:40
George Bacon 作者
Thanks so much Jermaine! 🙂
 11 March 2014, 01:36
John E
Excellent! Congratulations on a job well done!
 11 March 2014, 02:03
George Bacon 作者
Thank you John E 🙂
 11 March 2014, 02:08
Steve Wilson
Excellent build George🙂
Are the MV Products headlights in scalemates database, can't seem to find them???...
 11 March 2014, 07:20
Amazing job, George. Love it!
 11 March 2014, 08:21
Lionel Marco
Fantastic job!
 11 March 2014, 08:55
George Bacon 作者
Thank Steve! 🙂.
I don't think the MV Products are in the data base. New territory! 😉
 11 March 2014, 11:28
George Bacon 作者
Thanks Acki and Lionel! 🙂
 11 March 2014, 11:28
Hunter Cummins
This is amazing
great job as usual george
 11 March 2014, 20:08
Philipp Groß
Fantastic work George! I wouldn't have thought the EE kit could ever look this nice! 😮
 11 March 2014, 20:10
George Bacon 作者
Thanks Hunter and Philipp. But, next time I'll invest the money on the Tamiya kit 🙂
 11 March 2014, 20:38
Alan Rush
Looks fantastic George! Following your build the details added really add and as others have said, smaller things liket the headlights and the chain hanging on the front really add to the realism. Especially like the dirt added to the running gear and lower hull.
 11 March 2014, 20:52
George Bacon 作者
Thanks Alan! 🙂. Everyone's comments are so very edifying!
 11 March 2014, 20:55
Christian Bruer
Nice finish!
 12 March 2014, 18:15
George Bacon 作者
Thanks Christian! 🙂
 12 March 2014, 19:48
Kim Branders
Very nice, love the look of the chains. Grtz Kim
 13 March 2014, 06:59
Bill Spargo
Exhaust looks really good, so too the painting
 29 March 2014, 21:34

Album info

Eastern Express kit 1/35 scale

43 图片
1:35 BT-7 (Eastern Express 35111)1:35 BT-7 (Eduard 35421)1:35 45mm - 20-K m.1942 (RB Model 35B73)1:35 BT-7 Fast Tank Mod.1937 Workable Track Link Set (Bronco AB3564)


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