March 30, 20142
March 30, 2014Construction starts with the wheels. The polycaps are kind of retro.3
March 30, 2014Pin marks on the inner (but outward facing) road wheels may be visible after assembly. They're too deep to sand or file off, so I will fill them. How come there are no pin marks on the inside of the outer road wheels?!4
March 31, 2014Removed molded tie-downs from the front, drilled holes, and used fine wire to replace them.5
April 1, 2014The idler arms have ejector pin marks on the front that need filling. They're visible even after the wheels are on. Why didn't they put them on the back?6
April 1, 2014The return rollers are funky. They fit on their axles on a semi-circle peg, but aren't centered on the axles. I used the large semi-circle hole, but I think they're suppose to go on the smaller hole.7
April 1, 2014Up to step 8. Put the back on, thinned the door handle, and added wire grab irons. Only 15 more steps to go!8
April 1, 2014Oops! Had to tear out half the tie-downs and both front tow shackles to add a prominent weld seam where armor plates overlap.9
April 4, 2014The anti-skid pads have no texture.10
April 4, 2014I added texture by painting each pad with plastic cement, and stippling them with a stiff brush while the were still wet.11
April 6, 2014To ensure I can fill unsightly seam lines easily, it is better to not follow the instructions, but assemble the entire hull first.12
April 6, 2014I wish I hadn't completed the rear (as per instructions) prior to assembling the hull. The seam lines were hard to fill with all the details in the way.13
April 6, 2014Seam filling on sides. Pistol ports and wire handles were installed before closing the hull because interior access was needed. Consider the driver's periscopes too (but I'm not using them).14
April 10, 2014The holes for some parts, like periscopes, are too big, so some filling is needed.,15
April 10, 2014Worse problem yet, the rear fender does not line up with the side apron (sticks out too far). This will require major surgery!16
April 10, 2014Beside the driver's periscopes, there are 10 other scopes on the body. ALL 10 have a deep pin mark on the lens face that must be filled! Grrrrrrrr!17
April 10, 2014Working on the fender fix18
April 10, 2014The kit part filed down and built back up to look like prototype19
April 10, 2014New fender installed!20
April 15, 2014Shave down around access holes on the inside of the skirts, or they will look too thick. The kit bevels the outer edges of the skirt for you, but not the access holes.21
April 18, 2014Used the kit tow cable shackles but replaced the cable with nylon thread. Added wire cable hooks, as seen on the real machine.22
April 18, 2014On to the turret. First thing is to replace the molded-on stowage loops with wire.23
April 18, 2014Tie-down loops attached.24
April 23, 2014Added photo-etch smoke dispenser chains from Aber.25
April 23, 2014The kit comes with a rubber gun-mantle flap and wire for the missile boxes. I added the end plugs on the wire with plastic rod.26
April 25, 201427
April 25, 201428
April 25, 2014
21 February 2025, 15:06 -