2 12 March 2016, 20:24

Cleaned the windshield, added the seatbelts and scribed the dials today
27 July 2016, 19:56

Nose needs a bit of sanding, but then it should be ready for the white paint finally
26 December 2016, 20:36

Looks like your doing well with what looks like a real pig of a kit. It's a shame there isn't better kit offerings for such a remarkable aircraft.
27 December 2016, 16:19

There's one by Freightdog, but I guess it's hardly available
28 December 2016, 19:27

It was the first kit I made, around 35 years ago, when I was 10... nice to see that it has not been completely forgotten. And it seems it is the same Polish rebox (copy?) of the original Airfix kit. Watching with great interest. Best regards, Hubert
28 December 2016, 21:47

For me too, nostalgia modeling. About 40 years ago I had this kit in my hands. I also have an unbuilt kit on the shelf. I'm curious about what they make of it.
28 December 2016, 22:31

This was my first Kit. I think it must be 1969. Oh Lord I'm getting old. I'll follow.
13 January 2017, 21:48

Keep on ... I like your work in this dog of a kit !!!!!
15 January 2017, 15:18

Thanks guys, I also tried to build it once already somewhere in the deep 90s 🙂 Today I sprayed last layer of white and found replacement for the main wheels in the spare box
15 January 2017, 18:23

I think I went too wide with the black ... considering washing it and repainting the whole front 🙁
12 February 2017, 20:43

keep on! I like your work, it must be an excellent work finally althougt the kit is so old (seems older than my father...).
9 March 2017, 01:18

Started decalling the roundels and numbers taken from couple of different kits & sets - the main ones are on the pic 19. Currently I face 2 issues: underside numbers are smaller than expected and I need to order another Xtradecal set and the Heller fin flashes are too short and I have to find some replacement or paint it.
21 April 2017, 19:33

New pics - decals added (most of them consists of random texts in Finnish, taken from Revell Mig-21F-13). Roundels come from Greek A-7 by Heller, currently I wonder how to make the middle of roundels more reddish 🙂
27 April 2017, 19:48

very nice and clean work. What paint do you use for the white? It looks really brilliant and shine, a very nice effect!
27 April 2017, 19:53

Thanks Christian. This is MM Acryl Gloss White 4696
27 April 2017, 19:58

The decals, especially stencils, added a lot, looks really good! Best regards, Hubert
28 April 2017, 08:47

Thanks Hubert, that was the idea behind applying them, even though reading them in closeup doesn't make any sense at all😉
28 April 2017, 08:59

Dry washing (using pencils) in progress. In the shop the grey pencil seemed a lot lighter than the standard graphite one - on the kit it's hard to distinguish each other. I have to correct few places and it should be ready to fly onto the shelf.
I also found out there is something white on the inside of the canopy on its starboard side (CA smoke or some white paint got inside - no clue whatsoever), but it's gonna stay as it is - canopy is blended too much into fuselage and already covered with the Gauzy Agent (I thought it'd fix the issue as it usually does).
14 August 2017, 20:30

Thanks y'all - I'm delighted to see you're more happy with the result than me😉
15 August 2017, 18:42

Thx Ekki. In the meantime I decided this project os too easy and ripped the main part of the canopy in order to get a clear one. Currently fighting against the bubbles in the Micro Cristal Clear glue 🙁
26 August 2017, 21:27

Finished. Just took the pics, but as the day is shorter now, they are not the best ones. Let me know whether you'd like to see daylight pics.
2 September 2017, 18:29