Wir kennen keine In-Box-Vorstellungen für dieses Produkt Spitfire Mk.I `No.74 Squadron' (#00363) von Hasegawa.
Calvin Gifford I picked this release up in a little 'Mom & Pop' type hobby shop in Japan within bicycle ride distance from NAF Atsugi and was NOT a happy camper when I got back to my barracks room, realizing it was the very old 1975 molding! However, an Aussie buddy of mine was looking for a Spit to build for the BoB Anniversary so was happy to have it for what I paid for it, which I think was maybe 1,000 Yen (about $9~$10 U.S. at the time)
1 9 October 2023, 18:29
Treehugger I think Tamiya is still selling some 1960's era Battleships, in new fancy boxes. I remember reading the date on the side of the box some years back. The warning pointed out that the fitting might have gaps because of the old molds. 🙂
Somehow I have bad experiences with Italeri, so I tend to not buy Italeri kit. I think the last one I bought had raised panel lines. 🙁