Sitting Duck Oh damn! I wanted to buy one. But Revell (used to) have all sorts of Luft '46 aircraft in their catalog. I wonder if we'll see a re-release of the Go 229 or any other of their kits..
7 August 2018, 09:27
Glenn Revell JUST REBOX IT AS SCI-FI, PROBLEM SOLVED!!!! Oh and can we please have a Nazi Moon base next! please! 🙂 And some Dinosaurs with laser cannons too! Then you can get back to making REAL STUFF like a new C-130 Hercules in 1/72 or maybe get that An-225 released!!!!
7 August 2018, 22:59
Derek Huggett Sprue layout and mouldings look very similar to Head & Hand/Wave 1:72 Haunebu - can anyone confirm if this is a rebox please?
Philippe It is also strange that Revell added "II" after Haunebu....
26 May 2018, 12:13
Derek HuggettAutor Thanks guys - don't own one myself (yet!), but have updated Scalemates entry accordingly.
26 May 2018, 12:33
Selman Yarar Revell reboxed the Flying Saucer Haunebu II tooled by an unknown korean company Hand&Head with an incredible high price of 50 Euros (about 58 USD). There are 69 parts in this kit, >10 of them are not used and to my shock this is a snap kit (which is not written on the box) . I've made a complete dry-fit with not even a drop of glue nor piece of tape. It took me about half an hour to make it, 20 minutes of it were releasing the parts from the spues and cleaning/filing. (OK you'll need a little bit more for puttying and painting to finish it). First of all a kit with 69 simple parts can never be Level 4. This one is something for a 10 year old kid. A snap kit would be level 1, any kit below 100 parts is max. level 3. Why in the world did they put level 4 on this box and there's no info about being a snap kit? To be able to sell it to a high price? Are we supposed to pay for the high tooling costs of the koreans? What kind of a stupid marketing strategy is this? Sorry, but i feel scammed...