PliciPliciSo I got this combo set, with upgraded MagicTracks. Should I find something like an instruction sheet in the box about the Stug III tracks? At least how many links per side? Instruction seem to mention only the old DS tracks, which are missing from the box anyway. Any idea?
14 April 2020, 05:20
NigelMagic tracks: the good, and the not-so-good.
I've been looking for a StuG without DS tracks, and came across this perfect combination. I've only just received the kit, and haven't gone through the sprues in depth.
The good: magic tracks (no vinyl, DS, or link'n'length alternatives) are given for both vehicles.
The not-so-good: while the StuG's tracks are colour-coded for left and right, the instructions make no mention of them...including with colour is left, and which is right!
9 March 2020, 17:09
H KLight grey= right side/ dark grey= left side
9 March 2020, 17:56
Nigel SzerzőThank you! 👍
10 March 2020, 01:15