76.2mm Gun Barrel for Sherman Firefly Vc
76.2mm Ordinance Q.F. 3-in 17 PDR. Mk. IV Barrel
Aber | N. 35L57 | 1:35
I fatti
- Marca:
- Aber
- Titolo:
- 76.2mm Gun Barrel for Sherman Firefly Vc 76.2mm Ordinance Q.F. 3-in 17 PDR. Mk. IV Barrel
- Numero:
- 35L57
- Scala:
- 1:35
- Digita:
- Set di dettagli
- Messo in commercio:
- 2007 Nuovo stampo
- Confezione:
- Acquistato
- Argomento:
- M4 Sherman » Carri armati (Veicoli)
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33 immagini
Sherman Firefly Ic, Groningen, Netherlands, April 13, 19451:35
Wasn't going for an exact replica of this tank, but it was the basis for this build.
Progetto: Fort Garry Horse Shermans
Materiale di riferimento
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