Blackburn Buccaneer S.2C/D
Airfix | N. A12012 | 1:48
I fatti
- Marca:
- Airfix
- Titolo:
- Blackburn Buccaneer S.2C/D
- Numero:
- A12012
- Scala:
- 1:48 O
- Digita:
- Kit completo
- Messo in commercio:
- 2022 Nuovo stampo
- Codice a barre:
- 5055286704703 (EAN)
- Confezione:
- Scatola rigida (apertura superiore)
- Argomento:
- Blackburn Buccaneer » Aviogetti (Aereo)
Blackburn Buccaneer
Blackburn Buccaneer S Mk.2c
Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (1937-now)
- No. 801 NAS H-232 | XV162
1969 Cold War - HMS Hermes (R12)
BS381C:640 - No. 803 NAS LM-611 | XV867
1969 Cold War - RNAS Lossiemouth, Scotland
BS381C:640 - No. 809 NAS LM-321 | XV340
1970 Cold War - RNAS Lossiemouth, Scotland
Blackburn Buccaneer S Mk.2d
Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (1937-now)
- No. 809 NAS R-026 | XN981
1978 Cold War - HMS Ark Royal (R09)
Contenuto della confezione
Plastic sprue (Light gray), Plastic sprue (Clear), Foglio di decals (applicabile con acqua) (Multi-colored), Istruzioni (carta) (Multi-colored)
500x320x80 mm
(19.7x12.6x3.1 inch)
1041 g (2.3 lbs)
Boxart disegnato da Adam Tooby
Contenuto della scatola »Genealogia
Scaricare 2657Kb (.pdf)
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Recensioni in-box
Revisioni esterne
Revisione MOS6510 Models
Tutte le recensioni » (10 in totale)
Tutte le riviste » (10 in totale)
Ricardo Reis
Great kit, I have one. But, when is Airfix going to grow up out of the Humbrol color codes???
Great kit, I have one. But, when is Airfix going to grow up out of the Humbrol color codes???
2 24 March, 22:49
Oh my god yes!!!!!!!
Oh my god yes!!!!!!!
All comments (7) » 4 10 January 2022, 19:11
Jaroslaw Zbieg
75 pounds is a bit steep, I'm expecting Tamiya quality for that price.
75 pounds is a bit steep, I'm expecting Tamiya quality for that price.
16 January 2022, 23:31
Matt Smurfmm
Initial news from Airfix didnt include a kit number, please add it if you see it.
Initial news from Airfix didnt include a kit number, please add it if you see it.
1 10 January 2022, 17:10
22 immagini
Blackburn Buccaneer S.2C/D - Airfix 1:481:48
Progetto: Blackburn Buccaneer S.2C/D - Airfix 1:48
Tutti gli articoli » (31 in totale)
Materiale di riferimento
Building the Airfix Buccaneer S.2C in 1/48 Scale
Build Guide Series N. 15
Geoff Coughlin
2022 Digitale Tutti i libri » (21 in totale) Tutti i walkaround (immagini dei dettagli) » (10 in totale)