MultiPlay Multi-File Recordable Sound Chip
Invite By Voice | N. IBV-MP-PB
I fatti
- Marca:
- Invite By Voice
- Titolo:
- MultiPlay Multi-File Recordable Sound Chip
- Numero:
- Scala:
- No
- Digita:
- Altro
- Codice a barre:
- 0854515007326 (EAN)
- Argomento:
- Loudspeakers » Elettronica (Accessori)
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Non sappiamo se vi siano recensioni per questo (kit) MultiPlay Multi-File Recordable Sound Chip (#IBV-MP-PB) da Invite By Voice.
29 immagini
HAL 9000 with Added Sound - Album1:1
Mounted on the wall. Ah - I also added a little red button to make the button more push-able. For this I used a 1/4" (6 ...
Progetto: HAL 9000 with Added Sound