Republic F-84F Thunderstreak
Monogram | N. 85-5996 | 1:48
I fatti
- Marca:
- Monogram
- Titolo:
- Republic F-84F Thunderstreak "Thunderbirds"
- Numero:
- 85-5996
- Scala:
- 1:48 O
- Digita:
- Kit completo
- Messo in commercio:
- 2021 Nuove decalcomanie
- Codice a barre:
- 031445059964 (EAN: 0031445059964)
- Confezione:
- Scatola rigida (apertura superiore)
- Argomento:
- Republic F-84F Thunderstreak » Aviogetti (Aereo)
Republic F-84F Thunderstreak
Republic F-84F-45-RE Thunderstreak
US Air Force (1947-now)
- US Air Force Air Demonstration Sqn. - Thunderbirds 52-6732
- US Air Force Air Demonstration Sqn. - Thunderbirds 52-6735
- US Air Force Air Demonstration Sqn. - Thunderbirds 52-6751
- US Air Force Air Demonstration Sqn. - Thunderbirds 52-6770
- US Air Force Air Demonstration Sqn. - Thunderbirds 52-6771
- US Air Force Air Demonstration Sqn. - Thunderbirds 52-6779
Republic F-84F-50-RE Thunderstreak
US Air Force (1947-now)
- US Air Force Air Demonstration Sqn. - Thunderbirds 52-6873
Contenuto della confezione
Plastic sprue (Light gray), Plastic sprue (Clear), Foglio di decals (applicabile con acqua) (Light gray)
330x236x56 mm
(13x9.3x2.2 inch)
335 g (0.74 lbs)
Scaricare 6321Kb (.pdf)
No partner shops available
Recensioni in-box
Revisioni esterne
Revisione Hobbies I Enjoy
Revisione FatBoy's Scale Model Shop
Jon Somerville
Surprised I'm first to comment on this. It's been 20+ years since we've seen any kind of true reboxing of a "Monogram" kit. Hope this is true. Would like to see other kits of theirs reboxed (1/48 B-58, 1/72 Shuttle hint hint).
Surprised I'm first to comment on this. It's been 20+ years since we've seen any kind of true reboxing of a "Monogram" kit. Hope this is true. Would like to see other kits of theirs reboxed (1/48 B-58, 1/72 Shuttle hint hint).
1 10 March 2022, 17:40
Tutti gli articoli » (11 in totale)
Materiale di riferimento
Republic RF-84F "Thunderflash" Der erste Aufklärer der Bundesluftwaffe
FLUGZEUG Profile N. 69
Gerhard Lang, Manfred Franzke
2022 Tutti i libri » (20 in totale) Tutti i walkaround (immagini dei dettagli) » (18 in totale)