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Club de Modelismo IPMS Dos Orillas
Revisione Vagant's Modellbauecke Revisione Tutte le recensioni » (4 in totale)
18 December 2024, 18:51 -
SprueLopperOrdered one of these on eBay. I'm going to paint it up like the T-80Us in South Korean service
20 October 2023, 03:41
18 December 2024, 18:51 -
MythialEnMan, another T-80? Hope it's more accurate than trumpeter and RPG. I really hope they do T-64 too. trumpter's are crooked to say the least.
P WNo interior. Just an empty shell
7 October 2023, 06:48
Top Agent PGG jr.Thanks. Taking this one off my wishlist in favor of the Amusing Hobby version which has full interior.
7 October 2023, 16:23
1 immagini
The pain real ?♂️ multi part assembly for each single link track isn’t my idea of fun. I suspect I’ll be selling my T-8...
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