Yellow Nose Mustangs of the 361st F.G
Part III
AeroMaster | No. 48-657 | 1:48
- Marca:
- AeroMaster
- Titlu:
- Yellow Nose Mustangs of the 361st F.G Part III
- Număr:
- 48-657
- Scară:
- 1:48 O
- Tip:
- Decalset
- Eliberată:
- 2004 Instrumentul nou
- Subiect:
- North American P-51 Mustang » Elice (avioane)
North American P-51 Mustang
North American P-51B-15NA Mustang
US Army Air Forces (1941-1947)
- 375 FS, 361 FG, 8 AF 42-106875 / E2-D Queen Jean (Capt. William J. Shackelford)
August 1944 - Bottisham
North American P-51D Mustang
US Army Air Forces (1941-1947)
- 375 FS, 361 FG, 8 AF 44-14164 / E2-D Detroit Miss (1st Lt. Urban Drew)
August 1944 - 376 FS, 361 FG, 8 AF 44-72940 / E9-R Death's Angel (Lt. Harry M. Chapman)
RAF Little Walden
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Material de referinta
Mustang Aces of the Ninth & Fifteenth Air Forces & the RAF [reprint]
Aircraft of the Aces No. 7
Jerry Scutts
20xx The North American P-51 Early Mustang (Second Edition) (including the A-36A, P-51, & P-51A to C)
Airframe & Miniature No. 6
Richard A. Franks
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