Y-Wing Starfighter
BTL-A4 Y-Wing Attack Starfighter
Bandai | No. 0196694 | 1:72

- Marca:
- Bandai
- Titlu:
- Y-Wing Starfighter BTL-A4 Y-Wing Attack Starfighter
- Număr:
- 0196694 (Sunt de asemenea listate ca 2291092|01209)
- Scară:
- 1:72
- Tip:
- Kit complet
- Eliberată:
- 2015 Instrumentul nou
- Cod de bare:
- 4543112966940 (EAN)
- ambalare:
- Casetă rigidă (deschizător de vârf)
- Subiect:
- Koensayr BTL Y-Wing » Razboiul Stelelor (Operă științifico-fantastică)
Koensayr BTL Y-Wing
Koensayr BTL-A4 Y-Wing
Rebel Alliance
Conținutul cutiei
Sprue din plastic, Fișă de calcul (alunecare de apă), Fișă de decupare (autocolante)

300x190x70 mm
(11.8x7.5x2.8 inch)
350 g (0.77 lbs)
Cronologie produs
Bandai Spirits
Descarca 3931Kb (.pdf)
Piata de desfacere
No partner shops available
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Get em while you still can, guys, on the 20th of September they stop selling all Bandai SW kits outside of Japan...
Youtube Video

Toate comentariile (14) » 12 September 2015, 12:50

Here a statement from revell on facebook:
24 September 2015, 16:15

well, one has to wonder what the discrepancy between the official statement and what has been said behind closed doors is 🙂
Either way it sucks chocolate salty balls !!
Still waiting for At-ST though.....
24 September 2015, 16:34

This might be interesting for anyone wondering the differences between Finemolds' and Bandai's Y-wings.
17 August 2015, 17:16

Is this actually a new tool or is this a re-release of the Finemolds kit?
20 July 2015, 18:58
4 imagini
Rebel Alliance Y-Wing
I've always loved the look of the Y-Wing, especially in non-standard colors. I based the paint scheme and rudimentary mo...
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