A3D-2 Skywarrior Strategic Bomber
Trumpeter | No. 02868 | 1:48

- Marca:
- Trumpeter
- Titlu:
- A3D-2 Skywarrior Strategic Bomber
- Număr:
- 02868
- Scară:
- 1:48 O
- Tip:
- Kit complet
- Eliberată:
- 2013 Instrumentul nou
- Cod de bare:
- 9580208028682 (EAN)
- ambalare:
- Casetă rigidă (deschizător de vârf)
- Subiect:
- Douglas A-3 Skywarrior » jeturi (avioane)
Douglas A-3 Skywarrior
Douglas A3D-2 Skywarrior
US Navy (1794-now)
Conținutul cutiei
Sprue din plastic (Dark gray), Sprue din plastic (Clear), Sprue din plastic (Dark gray), Sprue din plastic (Clear), Fret fotografiat (Brass), Cauciuc (Black), Fișă de calcul (alunecare de apă) (Multi-colored), Instrucțiuni (hârtie) (Black & white), Instrucțiuni (hârtie) (Multi-colored)
448x276x104 mm
(17.6x10.9x4.1 inch)
1154 g (2.54 lbs)
Boxart proiectat de Kostas Kavvathias
Ce este in cutie »Cronologie produs
Istorie completă »Instrucțiuni
Descarca 2657Kb (.pdf)
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Surprisingly easy build with some caveats. I didn't fold the wings or the rudder and I left out much of the inner assemblies like the bomb bay and radar. As a result, attaching the bomb bay doors were tricky since there weren't any prominent positive locating surfaces. The main landing gear assembly was tricky and overly complicated. Took a long while to figure them out as the instructions for that section were very vague. I closed the speedbrakes (I like my planes "clean" ) even though they are only molded in the open position. Very disappointed that there wasn't any bombs for the bomb bay. If Trumpeter included them, I definitely would have broken my clean airplane rule and opened the bomb bay doors. Who produces a bomber that has no bombs? Weird. Huge plane. My wife even commented on it - and she doesn't even care about my models when I show her them after I complete them. In the end, though, I liked the way it turned out. I'd recommend it if you're OK with a strategic bomber with no bombs!
4 March 2019, 00:44
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