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Soviet Attack Helicopter Mi-24V/VP

Zvezda | No. 4823 | 1:48

Boxart Mi-24V/VP 4823 Zvezda


Soviet Attack Helicopter Mi-24V/VP
1:48 O
Kit complet
2020 Instrumentul nou
Cod de bare:
4600327048233 (EAN)
Cutie pliabilă (deschizător de vârf)
Mil Mi-24 Hind » Elicoptere (avioane)


Mil Mi-24 Hind

Mil Mi-24V Hind-E
CZ Vzdušné síly Armády České republiky (Czech Air Force 1993-now)
SU Советская армия (Soviet Army 1946-1992)
Mil Mi-24VP Hind-E
RU Авиация Военно-морского флота (Russian Naval Aviation 1992-now)

Conținutul cutiei

Sprue din plastic (Light gray), Sprue din plastic (Clear), Sprue din plastic (Light gray), Fișă de calcul (alunecare de apă) (Multi-colored), Instrucțiuni (hârtie) (Multi-colored)

494x305x85 mm (19.4x12x3.3 inch)

679 g (1.5 lbs)

Boxart proiectat de Andrei Zhirnov (Андрей Жирнов)

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(Scale Aviation Modeller International Volume 26 Issue 6)
(Scale Aviation Modeller International Volume 26 Issue 07)
(Model Airplane International 183)
Model Airplane International | 183
English (TOC: 6 lines)
October 2020

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Andrew Horton

Youtube Video
3 27 August 2023, 23:13
Nikita Nikulin
In fact, a very good model, even without the notorious riveting. Whining about riveting is very boring. It is especially funny from those who did not assemble the model
2 29 April 2022, 20:37
I think I picked the wrong day to quit waiting for somebody to make a new 1:48 scale Hind 😄
Toate comentariile (6) » 20 December 2019, 06:45
Treehugger Autor
Given that washes are popular now, I certainly is a minus. I mean, rivets certainly helps make that kind of detailing pop up at your eyes so to speak.
 29 June 2020, 12:49
Well, lack of rivets is terrible. But zvezda positioning of this model is a "toy"😭(( Also they thought about an adult modelers, who knows how to riveting the model. And, of course, big range of applying aftermarket. Quinta shows the way))
 20 August 2020, 20:56
Hister Farjas
wow, this will be a nice kit.
Toate comentariile (10) » 31 December 2019, 16:07
@Fabio Cannova: >> I don't know, the lack of rivets in a 48 scale kit of Hind, leaves me very sad!
It can get worse. Revell managed to produce a 1:32 Lynx without rivets...
 30 May 2020, 06:20
Fabio Cannova
I think that I'll wait the Hind of KittyHawk...
 30 May 2020, 15:50
Kovalkov Vadim
On a 5-point scale, my rating is 3 for this model. Zvezda has clearly released a hack, and this is puzzling after the release of their modern technology.
20 May 2020, 13:41
Modern kits from Zvezda never disappoint me. I biult 1/72 Mi-24 and it was awesome. New 1/48 kit will be equal or better.
7 February 2020, 07:45
Bart Goesaert
and now for that Mi-28 and a new mold for the Ka-50... Yes Zvezda, you can do it..
 7 February 2020, 07:56


26 imagini
Mi-24VView album, image #1
1:48 Mi-24P Hind - Interior (Eduard 491205)1:48 Mi-24P Exterior PE-detail set (Microdesign MD 048246)1:48 Wheels set for Mi-24 Hind Helicopter (North Star Models NS48054)2+
19 imagini
Zvezda HINDView album, image #1
Proiect: Mi-24V/VP
1:48 Mi-24V/VP (Zvezda 4823)
36 imagini
Zvezda Mi-24V HindView album, image #30
1:48 Mi-24V/VP (Zvezda 4823)1:48 Mi-24 (TFace) (Eduard EX706)1:48 Mi-24 Exterior PE-detail set (Microdesign MD 048243)2+
10 imagini
HindView album, image #1
1:48 Mi-24V/VP (Zvezda 4823)1:48 Mi-24V (Hind) Crocodile interior 3D decal (Quinta Studio QD48026)1:48 Mi-24D conversion set Brassin PRINT (Eduard 648730)1+


Mil Mi-24 Hind-A 1:48
Mil Mi-24 Hind-A
Zvezda 1:48
by Chris W on Model Airplane Maker
Mil Mi-24 Hind-A 1:48
Mil Mi-24 Hind-A
Zvezda 1:48
de Federico Kunz pe ARC Air

Material de referință

Late Hinds In Detail (WWP 26)
Late Hinds In Detail Mi-24 Upgrades & Mi-35 Series Models
Wings & Wheels No. 26
Mi-24D/V (MMP Books 67)
Mi-24D/V 1/48
Scale Plans No. 67
Dariusz Karnas

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