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F-14A Tomcat `Wolf Pack´

Hasegawa | No. P20 | 1:48

Boxart F-14A Tomcat `Wolf Pack´ P20 Hasegawa


F-14A Tomcat `Wolf Pack´
P20 (Такође је наведена као 07020)
1:48 O
Целовита макета
1989 Нови декали/налепнице
Бар код:
4967834070202 (EAN)
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Grumman F-14 Tomcat » Млазњаци (Летелице)


Grumman F-14 Tomcat

Grumman F-14A Tomcat
US US Navy (1794-now)

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Пластична смрека, Пластична смрека (Clear), Пхотоетцхед фрет, Вхитеметал, Гума

Бокарт дизајнирао Shigeo Koike

Временски оквир производа

1:48 F-14A Tomcat `Pacific Fleet Squadrons´ (Hasegawa 07018)Нови алат1:48 F-14A Tomcat `Atlantic Fleet Squadrons´ (Hasegawa 07019)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Plus Tomcat (Hasegawa 51508)Нови делови1:48 F-14A Tomcat `Wolf Pack´ (Hasegawa P20)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `Black Bunny/Low Visibility´ (Hasegawa 51513)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Plus Tomcat (Hasegawa 07023)Нови делови1:48 F-14 Super Tomcat (Hasegawa 51512)Нови делови1:48 F-14D Tomcat (Hasegawa 51544)Нови делови1:48 F-14A Tomcat `Independence´ (Hasegawa 51582)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Bombcat `Diamondbacks´ (Hasegawa 51622)Нови делови1:48 F-14D Tomcat `CVW-14´ (Hasegawa 07212)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `VF-154 Black Knights´ (Hasegawa 07069)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `VF-154 USS Kitty Hawk´ (Hasegawa 07080)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `VF-154 Atsugi 25th Anniv´ (Hasegawa 07085)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14D Tomcat `VX-9 Vandy 1´ (Hasegawa 09309)Нови делови1:48 F-14A Tomcat `LANTIRN´ (Hasegawa 09329)Нови делови1:48 F-14B Tomcat `VF-103 Jolly Rogers´ (Hasegawa 09335)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `VF-154 Millennium Special´ (Hasegawa 09357)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14D Tomcat `VF-2 Bounty Hunters´ (Hasegawa 09374)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `Bicentennial´ (Hasegawa 09388)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14B Tomcat `Jolly Rogers VF-103´ (Hasegawa 09502)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `Black Knights History´ (Hasegawa 09516)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `VF-111 Sundowners´ (Hasegawa 09577)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14B Tomcat `VF-102 Diamondbacks´ (Hasegawa 09639)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14B Tomcat `VF-103 Jolly Rogers Last Flight´ (Hasegawa 09677)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14D Tomcat `VF-213 Blacklions Last Cruise´ (Hasegawa 09683)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14B Tomcat `VF-11 Red Rippers´ (Hasegawa 09687)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14B Tomcat `VF-32 Swordsmen´ (Hasegawa 09691)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14B Tomcat `VF-143 Pukin Dogs Last Cruise´ (Hasegawa 09697)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14D Tomcat `VF-101 Grim Reapers´ (Hasegawa 09703)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14D Tomcat `VF-2 Bounty Hunters Last Cruise´ (Hasegawa 09719)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14D Tomcat `VF-31 Tomcatters´ (Hasegawa 09757)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `VF-84 Jolly Rogers´ (Hasegawa 09776)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `VF-14 Tophatters CAG´ (Hasegawa 09786)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `VF-2 Bounty Hunters´ (Hasegawa 09797)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `VF-213 Blacklions´ (Hasegawa 09814)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `VF-211 Checkmates´ (Hasegawa 09851)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14D Tomcat `Black Tomcat´ (Hasegawa 09867)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `Black Knights History´ (Hasegawa 09884)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14D Tomcat (Hasegawa 51970)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat (Hasegawa 07246)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat `VF-1 Wolfpack´ (Hasegawa 09917)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14B/D Tomcat `Low Visibility´ (Hasegawa 09971)Нови декали/налепнице1:48 F-14A Tomcat "Micky Scymon" (Hasegawa 64744)Нови декали/налепнице
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Ron Garcia
This is the fourth Hasegawa F-14 I've built. The first three were forever ago and one even disappeared on me during one of my moves. The kit goes together well except I had trouble with the canopy. After adding part B5 to the canopy interior, I just couldn't get the assembly to stay flush with the fuselage spine. I checked my other two remaining F-14s and they also have the same issue. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. One other issue I encountered was the decals. Yes, they are now ancient so I sprayed my tried and true method of Krylon clear gloss on them to keep them from shredding after immersing them in water. A few cracked but not horribly. The real issue is that the red forward fuselage wolfpack stripe is too long. It comes in three pieces: long rear stripe with national insignia, aircraft number, and forward stripe. I applied the left side first and I could tell something was wrong since they cutouts for the pilot boarding steps were off (I built mine closed). I nudged they stripe as far back as possible but it was still about three to four millimeters off. The stripe started to split when I applied it so it was a delicate process. I went ahead and added the other two decals hoping everything would end up well, but the front stripe sits a few millimeters on the radome tan part of the nose (I masked it where there is a recessed panel line). The same thing happened on the other side. The rear stripes are absolutely as far back as possible; they're just a tad too long. My suggestion would be to cut the rear stripe into two pieces on the stripe section, apply the rear portion, then add the section with the national insignia and overlap it a bit on the freshly cut rear potion. By the time I figured out this possible workaround, the decals had already began to adhere. With both sides having splinting problems, I just decided to live with it. Overall, a good kit. Now I've got to finish the other seven Hasegawa F-14s I have in my stash. No, I'm not a major fan of F-14s. When I was younger I would just buy the next numbered kit as they came out. Now I have basically the same kit multiple times. Oh well...
1 24 December 2020, 01:15
Lochsa River

Looks like good advice, but, mate, its hard to read.

Please use a few paragraphs to break up your thoughts.

again, thanks for thinking!
 24 December 2020, 05:13


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